A photo from open sources
On domestic and foreign sites distributed amazing in their beauty photos and videos received at the last week 44-year-old Russian photographer Valentin Zhiganov from Apatity city, which is located in the Murmansk region.
He filmed aurora borealis and light at 30 degrees below zero poles – multi-colored shining stripes rising as if from horizon to the sky. This optical effect is caused by reflection. light from ground sources in ice crystals suspended in in the air.
A photo from open sources
According to Zhiganov, such an atmospheric phenomenon is considered rare enough even in the northern latitudes, and our hero never saw at the same time aurora and light poles. Valentine says that he originally shot his friends who went on frost from the bath, then in the icy air hundreds of bright lines, and the photographer immediately turned his attention to them.
The materials obtained by the Russians quickly became “viral” and scattered across the World Wide Web, riveting the attention of millions users. Many commentators write that they were so amazed by the beauty of the Russian north, even burst into tears from tenderness.
A photo from open sources
It is curious that if it were not for street lamps and burning windows of houses Apatity, then of such magnificence, experts say, is not it would work out. In nature, a light pole is observed the one and only – with the participation of the natural luminary, that is the sun – at sunset or dawn. And here…
However, see and evaluate for yourself this natural wonder!
Polar Lights