Like a turtle from China addicted to nicotine

How a tortoise from China became addicted to nicotinePhoto from open sources

No wonder doctors, and all seasoned people, say that to nicotine it’s easier to get addicted than to give it up later. And how it turned out that this applies not only to humans, but also to animals the world at large.

Who doesn’t know that many animals quickly sit on alcohol, for example, elephants can drink vodka in buckets, and addiction bears to alcohol was perfectly shown, for example, in feature film “Features of the national hunt.”

In the Chinese village of Changchun, the vulture turtle does not suffer from alcohol, and nicotine addiction. The zoo keeper, where this animal lives, claims that the turtle literally does not find a place for herself if she was not allowed to smoke.

It all started with the fact that two months ago, cook Tang, taking part in the care of this reptile, found that the tortoise suffers from chicken bone that digs into her stomach. is he tried to free the animal from the bone, but there it was – the tortoise was very painful, and she was almost mad at this bit off Tangu’s fingers.

The man decided to somehow distract the animal during the uncomplicated operations and put a smoking cigarette in her mouth. Idea turned out not bad, thanks to smoking I managed to pull out the bone, but in the end finally, this led to another problem.

Soon Tang noticed that the turtle literally “runs” to him as soon as he sees the smoke of a cigarette. At first the cook gave her a joke smoke (popped a cigarette in his mouth), believing that all this is nothing more than the game. But he soon realized that the turtle could no longer live without nicotine. And today she smokes (thanks to Tang) up to 10 cigarettes in a day. The animal walks after the cook and literally does not give him a pass – requires a smoke. And if at first it seemed funny to a man, then today he is seriously concerned about the problem. Firstly he feels guilty for planting a turtle on this “needle”, secondly, for him it became financially unprofitable – buying cigarettes for two. What is there to do? Otherwise, the turtle is simply not gives him peace …

According to netizens, this is a rare case. animal addiction to tobacco, but not the only one. At least least in Malaysia in the zoo lives the orangutan Shirley, who constantly begs cigarette butts from visitors to this place. Despite a strict ban on this by the administration zoo, people still treat the monkey with cigarettes: for someone it it seems funny who does this simply out of pity for the animal in the cage …

Zoos China

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