Living stones – trents

A photo from open sources

We often call nature surrounding us living. Are alive animals, birds, insects, fish and plants. Residents of the Romanian county Doodles also include stones on this list. But not all, but only existing in their district, called trents. And how could it be otherwise? if these grow, move and multiply?

They grow

A photo from open sources

Yes, they do increase in size without visible reasons. To verify this, it is enough to observe a separate for several weeks. The increase is noticeable even to the naked eye. For several years, a pebble weighing several a kilogram grows into a multi-ton block. Careful observation revealed interesting patterns: boulders grow very quickly after good rain (well, which gardener does not know that watering is first of all?), and that the most rapidly growing trents grow “youth” and “youth”, and by “old age” growth is slowing down.

They move

A photo from open sources

Trents move slowly and not so noticeably. Assurances County residents, that the stones are moving, could be classified as local tales, but confirmations come from a variety of places. A business that rounded tents were very fond of landscape designers. Stones were installed in parks, squares, on lawns in front of official institutions. From there and letters come over and over, telling us that the stones willfully change their location, violating the original composition.

They breed

A photo from open sources

How this happens: usually after heavy rain on a stone a “tumor” appears. Over time, it increases; adhesion with “mother’s body” is becoming thinner, and once the “baby” under own weight falls off. This is how a new one is born trent.

Reproduction by budding for biologists is not new, of course, when provided that this does not apply to minerals.

A photo from open sources


Of course, scientists studied trents. Growth, in their opinion – the result of the chemical interaction of water and mineral salts, which are so many in these boulders. The movement is simply denied. FROM breeding is easiest: it cannot be explained, although not denied. It was hoped that answers to many questions would give “internal autopsy”. Sawed a few boulders. It turned out that stones have an internal structure similar to trees: in the center – the core, and around the annual rings.

Geologists unequivocally say that these are not stones. Biologists recognize trents for living organisms are in no hurry. So what is it? there is the opinion that trents are an inorganic form of life unusual for us. It remains only to decide whether the trents are local natives or are listed on Earth meteorites? (In this case, we can fully explain their small range distribution)

Trents as a commercial project

Locals less concerned about the origin of trents Total. Having caught that the boulders familiar to them since childhood cause foreigners interest, they are in 2006 in the village of Costesti in the territory of 1 ha opened the “Museum of Trents”, which was taken from the entire district most interesting samples. Here you can buy a “newborn” trenta as a souvenir. The seller will be happy to tell you, how to care for him, how to raise him, to water. And quite will seriously warn you not to leave the “baby” for long supervision, otherwise he will “run away.”

Stones Plants

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