Loch Ness monster will be found through DNA tests

Loch Ness monster will be found through DNA testsPhoto from open sources

New Zealand researcher is going to find in samples of water from Loch Ness Lake traces of the famous deoxyribonucleic acid Loch Ness monster. Professor Neil Gemmel Teaching Zoology at the University of Otago, plans to once and for all put an end to the question of the existence of the legendary scottish cryptid through modern DNA tests, which no one has ever seen before did not.

The scientist intends to make sampling of lake water in order to find there are traces of DNA unknown to science. Similar methods use forensic experts. Gemmel says: “Any large animal constantly losing cells, moving through its habitat. The latest genomic technology is extremely sensitive, and I believe that so we can find these cells, compare the DNA in them with the DNA other creatures and even restore on the computer the look of Nessie. If a relict plesiosaur or any another cryptid, our tools are very likely must bring it out. ”

A photo from open sources

Neil and his assistants will take samples this year. Scientists from the United Kingdom promised to help their New Zealand colleagues in this matter. They are nonetheless convinced that even if nothing is found in Loch Ness, this does not affect the views of most ordinary people: many people they will still believe that a huge lizard is found in the lake. This the legend is too old and popular to be refuted by any scientific methods. Especially since modern orthodox science has long discredited itself in the eyes public, because, on the one hand, he is constantly silent about the most important thing, and on the other – it always juggles data for the sake of far from the truth, but the selfish goals of cash aces …

Representatives of official science (with rare exceptions) consider Loch Ness monster conscious hoax created by owners of local hotels, museums and travel agencies with the goal of to attract travelers here. For example, they trumpet with might and main as the stepson of scientist Montagu Wetorl, once engaged in exploration of the lake, argued that local entrepreneurs put pressure on his stepfather, requiring him to find or even fabricate as plausible evidence as possible the existence of Nessie. How true this story is, does not know no one. But a thousand evidence of the observation of the Loch Ness monster orthodox scholars are either hushed up or simply not taken into attention – there is no monster, which means there are no problems, and therefore you can to sleep calmly. I wonder what they will say if Neil Gemmel finds traces of Nessie in the lake? ..

Water DNA Cryptids Loch Ness Monster Monsters

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