A photo from open sources
Dutch geneticists made an interesting discovery. Scientists found that a person residing in a foreign country, acquires harmful genes that make bacteria in his body resistant to antibiotics. In this case, the traveler is enough to visit in a foreign land for only two days, so that microorganisms stop being afraid substances that suppress their growth and development.
Experts took stool samples from one hundred twenty-two compatriots before and after the flight to other countries. It turned out that before the trip, the number of experimental Escherichia coli, antibiotic-resistant, less than ten percent. After return from a trip, their number increased to fifty-five percent. Dutch tourists who have completed such studies traveled to Canada, China, India, South Korea, the Philippines and other states.
Scientists argue that such new genes can persist in for a relatively long time after return man to his homeland. So, a few subjects who visited India, the qnrB gene has been picked up, making bacteria resistant to quinolones – a group of synthetic antibacterial drugs. The latest generation quinolones are considered one of the most effective and important antibiotics of our time. Tourists flown in from India, immunity of intestinal microorganisms before quinolones lasted a whole month.
Both your health and the place you go are important.
According to geneticists, on a variety of acquired drug resistance directly affects the place of stay person. For example, in the aforementioned India, widespread received precisely resistance to quinolones. Probably this due to the fact that in this country, local residents use practically only these antibiotics, and bacteria in their organisms with have received some immunity to such drugs.
A photo from open sources
The experimenter who recently visited South Korea was infected with the CTX-M genome, due to which intestinal bacteria become resistant to cephalosporin, penicillin and related antibiotics. It is reported that over the past ten years the number Southeast Asian people carrying this gene grew from two to seventy percent.
Visiting a foreign country, you will undoubtedly consume there local food and water. They contain bacteria, being a source of unwanted “souvenir” genes.
True, you should not be particularly afraid of those who are in good health, their body can easily cope with such an innovation and is unlikely because this will suffer. But people with poor health, taking those or other antibiotics, it is better not to travel. Or at least least not so far. For example, Russians are better off traveling around his country, especially since it is so big and diverse. What there is one Crimea or the Caucasus!
Health Time India