Lost in time

Photo from open sources

“Star of Bahadur”

In 1993, the Zvezda liner left Bombay heading for Java Bahadur. “156 passengers had to taste the delights of the sea cruise, and 30 members of the team prepared tirelessly, work out your salary. But on the third day, a luxurious vacation gave way to a nightmare. The liner fell into a fierce storm and soon in the air flew alarm points and a dash distress signal. Located nearby ships rushed to the aid of the sinking ship, but it disappeared from the screens of locators.

At the end of the storm, the Indian coast guard sent search and rescue patrol boats to the disaster area surviving, but the search was in vain. No shipwreck, no one of the survivors, could not be found. “Star of Bahadur” replenished itself an infinitely long list of ships swallowed by the ocean. The company wrote off losses, relatives of the deceased mourned their grief.

Four years later, the liner again voiced: “Says” Star Bahadur. “The storm has stopped. We do not need help. We follow our course. “In the area where there has not been any storms for a year, I headed patrol boat to set the sender strange radiograms.

Boat sailors were ready to see anything, but not a liner that disappeared 4 years ago in the same area. “Star Bahadur “, as if nothing had happened, went its course, on deck fun reigned, tourists vividly discussed the unexpected adventure, diversified the standard tourist program. On deck scurried sailors in a hurry to eliminate the consequences unexpectedly a hurricane that had flown up and was also suddenly interrupted. To the news, that the liner for 4 years disappeared in the middle of nowhere, the captain replied: “Not 4 years, and 2 hours! SOS we sent 2 hours ago! ”

The ship returned to Bombay, to the home port, and the incident added to the list of mysterious phenomena.

Missing Private Terekhov

In the summer of 1948, on one of the back roads of the Far East a Red Army soldier escorted 4 Nazis. Numb from fright of the grandfather, he asked: “Where are ours, where to hand over the prisoners?” When the soldier found out in which year and where he was, horror had already seized his. Missing in 1941 near Orsha, Private Terekhov his fellow soldiers identified him, and the identity of the captured Nazis confirmed one of the company officers, hastily spotted by the MGB in one from countless prisoner of war camps.

The investigation confirmed the fact of what happened, but explain how this company ended up in the Far East and where it is 7 years disappeared, could not. In the end, the Germans were sent to one from camps for German prisoners of war, and Terekhov, to choose from offered either to keep your mouth shut or a lunatic asylum. Terekhov prudently chose silence.

Leap to the future

Cases of failure in time for such long periods are very rare, more often people “fall” into the past or future on hours, minutes, or even moments like pilot Victor Gooddard. In 1934, flying over one of the Scottish airfields, he was surprised to see on it the planes painted yellow. There simply couldn’t be anything like this at the airport, it’s Gooddard. I knew for sure. Airplanes painted in such an unusual color appeared at this airport, but only 4 years later.

Lost in time and space

There are also “visits to us”. In 1996, at the airport of Caracas (Venezuela) requested an airplane landing following a charter flight from New York to Miami. Controllers gave permission to land, although none of them could understand how a plane flying in Miami could to be beyond 1800 km. from the end point of the route.

Soon, a propeller plane sat on the airfield, which is quite would look natural in the museum of aircraft, but not among jet liners. Apparently, the plane got lost not only in space, but also in time. Probably landed pilots were also struck by the unusual kind of planes for them, as the first thing they asked the dispatchers was which year. Upon learning that they were on board 05/21/1996, they immediately lifted the plane to the air.

Scientists cannot yet explain cases of time dips. They are while they only collect them, analyze, separating those that really had the scene from hoaxes and wondering what else paradoxes of time they will have to face.

Time Aircraft

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