Photos from open sources
We already wrote on our site about lotteries and big wins, who rarely brought the expected happiness to anyone. But is it real generally win the lottery? KP Journalists Held Their investigation after the biggest jackpot win in recent years half a billion rubles inherited by Voronezh pensioner Natalia Vlasova. It turned out that she still had not received her money, although after New Year’s congratulatory hype in the press, the company “Stoloto” collected from the population at a time more than 2 billion rubles.
Should I play such gambling? It turns out – in no way case, and there are serious reasons for this.
Lottery without proper state supervision
Despite the fact that the “Stoloto” covering 90 percent the Russian lottery market is considered a state affair (one only the slogan of what is worth – “State Lotteries”), in fact in fact, it is a private company owned by billionaire Wagan Gevorgyan. The Finance Ministry explained to KP reporters that according to lottery laws can only be state, and therefore Stoloto is just a distributor. However, control over this “distributor” for some reason, “Stoloto” deducts only 5 percent on the development of sports, and even then this money for some reason sent to private companies, and do not go directly to the country’s budget. Therefore, there is no smell of statehood in this lottery – ordinary private shop with all that it implies the consequences.
Lottery is always a conflict of interest
The gaming business is the same everywhere: 50 percent of the collected money goes to winnings, the rest goes to the cashier of the organizer, who spends them on operating expenses and has a net profit from them. For example, Stoloto earned 10 billion rubles in 2016, net profit is designated at 560 million rubles, but how the remaining 9.5 billion rubles have been spent – no one knows. It is impossible to check how much money was given to the “lucky” …
A photo from open sources
According to the creator of the portal “” Igor Kopakov, the gaming business in Russia is not transparent, besides monopolistic, at the same time while in the world in any country several large companies are engaged in this business, but with us – one. Therefore, even realizing that “Stoloto” is cheating, an ordinary Russian still has nowhere to go, and gambling is in our blood …
The theory of large numbers debunks the lottery as a source enrichment
Any mathematician in two ways will prove to you that to win a major a jackpot in the lottery is unrealistic, it turns out one lucky one for a lot million suckers. It is no coincidence that some gamblers start investing huge amounts of money in this business, they ultimately account, remain with nothing. Say spent 100 thousand, and won less than 50 thousand. If a person begins to persist, then loses everything to the penny.
A photo from open sources
But even by accidentally winning millions, they still need to be obtained. Not by chance, KP reporters decided to track whether Natalya would receive Vlasov’s half a billion rubles, like the second lucky one from Nizhny Novgorod, which recently hit the jackpot in the amount of 267 million rubles in the “6 of 45” lottery. That’s why normal people they are very negative about the lottery, considering it a tax on stupidity, not to mention that such “easy money”, all of a sudden fallen on a person’s head rarely bring happiness, rather turn into serious problems, and even real troubles.
Money Russia