Lviv woman recognized in the American “deceased” son

A photo from open sources

Tatyana Fedukh from Novy Selo, having seen in the regional newspaper a photograph of a magnet boy named Jonathan, stunned: yes he an exact copy of her Sasha! An old thorn stuck in my heart again: in In 1993, a woman was told at the maternity hospital that her second twin, Vasya, has died. “DO WHAT YOU WANT WITH HER!” 56-year-old Tatyana lives, like everything in the village: house, farm, gardens. Four are raised with her husband children. Although there should have been five heirs. – All that then occurred in the hospital, still does not give me rest, although it has passed already 19 years, – Tatyana sighs. – I gave birth under a dropper 2 September 1993 When the first twin Sasha appeared, the doctor for some reason she demanded to call an anesthetist and shouted that she was already holds the head of the second baby in his hands. I still thought: why should I anesthetist, when is everything going fine anyway? Nonetheless I had anesthesia, and the last thing I heard was the doctor’s words: “Do whatever you want with her, she is ready!” When a woman in labor regained consciousness, she they said that the children were alive, but their condition was serious. But allowed to look at the sons. – The boys were behind the glass, I even cried from experiences, ”the woman recalls. – Second time I saw the kids the next day, in the evening. And closer to the night they said that around 18.30 Vasya died. But I saw him just at that time alive! The doctor led me into the corridor, began to convince me that next to Sasha, I saw another boy. They gave me an injection, and I fell asleep. Then there were long trials. But there are no less questions. IN police told Tatyana that her child was tested an hour and a half after his alleged death. Results of these analyzes were in business. But the criminal case is somehow not excited. The leadership of the maternity hospital in the basement conducted “explanatory” conversations with Tatyana Eduard’s husband, but he did I didn’t understand what was wanted of him. A GYPSY BURNER After seven days a heartbroken father was given a tiny little body, and from a morgue of a completely different hospital. Why – no one explained. Tatyana has been with Sasha in the hospital all this time, even at her funeral did not have. So she didn’t see the dead Vasya. But later neighbors they said that the late father-in-law was surprised: they say, Tanya said that gave birth to twins, and we buried some gypsy woman – dark-skinned, completely unlike us. To fight with the hospital further, the spouses had neither strength nor opportunity. Tatyana with her husband reconciled with their grief and began to live on. Still in the family in addition to the newborn, Sasha grew up three more children. Measured Feduhov provincial life turned upside down a note in ordinary regional newspaper. That was in January 2005. In short the text reported that the American boy Jonathan Friedman of state of Arizona, with paranormal abilities, got into Guinness Book of Records. He is a child magnet, capable of several seconds to hold on your face immediately seven spoons! And next – a photo. – Mom, Look, our Sasha is in the newspaper! – the daughter cried joyfully at the whole house Olya, waving a newspaper. Record holder Jonathan really looked like Sasha like two drops of water. Tatyana at first thought: how her son hit the newspaper and why did he have spoons on his face? And then she grabbed heart: but this is Vasya! Her Vasya, who allegedly died in the hospital! Even Olya saw this resemblance. And then husband Edward confirmed: yes, there are many similar people, but not as many. But how did Vasya find himself in America? MOTHER, TAKING BIRTH, LIVES IN THE USA Tatyana first rushed to the editorial office of the district. Those reacted to her the story very carefully and immediately contacted colleagues on regional television, those – turned to the police. Further the prosecutor’s office has joined. Investigators admitted: in this story really a lot of questions and inconsistencies, but only 11 have passed years. Where to look for participants in those events? At the prosecutor’s office Tatyana promised to exhume the buried baby and a DNA test. But later changed their mind: they say, nothing was left of the calf, and with tight financing … And this despite the fact that an interesting fact surfaced: The midwife, who had given birth to Tatyana, had long moved to the USA. And in the same district remembered another “touch to the portrait.” – IN 2005, a student came to our office, asked for clippings about Jonathan and said that he was going to America for an internship and would try find the family of that boy, – Miroslav Malakhivsky told us, newspaper editor. – Found, but parents categorically refused to communicate. And, as it later turned out, the whole family immediately moved to another city. Alas, no one else knows anything about them. And that the student remained in the States, and there is no connection with him. Recently spouses still decided: we must get to the bottom of the truth at all costs. AND hired a lawyer. – I’m not going to take my son from people, who raised him, says Tatyana. – Besides, he’s already adult guy. I just want to know the truth. To live in ignorance so many years – you will not wish the enemy. OFFICIALLY We tried communicate with the leadership of the Lviv regional perinatal the center where Tatyana Fedukh gave birth in 1993. Us confirmed that doctors who worked in that hospital work in the maternity hospital period. But as soon as it came to Tatyana and her twins, doctors as if replaced. One of them introduced himself as Alexander Yaroslavovich, went on the offensive: – I am not obliged and will not answer your stupid questions! Another doctor honestly admitted that she simply doesn’t want to fly out of work, so all the talk is only with permission of the management. In the prosecutor’s office of the Lviv region also laconic. All I managed to find out: a decision about exhumation has not yet been accepted. LAWYER COMMENT “Suspect human trafficking “- A petition was filed with the prosecutor for exhumation of a deceased child and DNA analysis. We suspect it had place the abduction of a newborn and his illegal export abroad. Then there is human trafficking, – says Yuri Zoshiy, head a law firm that undertook to help the Fedukh family. – Till we cannot say anything. If the examination confirms that Tatyana’s child is buried, we will put in this story the final point. If the DNA of the child and the mother do not match, we will seek permission to take biomaterial for DNA analysis from an American a boy. And if it is confirmed that Jonathan is Vasya, we will to demand that the family of Fedukh be compensated for moral damage. But, I repeat, all this takes time and irrefutable evidence.

US DNA time

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