At the beginning of the XX century there was an unprecedented surge in activity all sorts of sects, secret societies, Masonic lodges and occult circles. Mystical teachings fascinated everyone: atheists and believers, members of ruling families and revolutionaries, illiterate and educated. Red magic, the Bolsheviks showed something completely different. Not all of them, of course, were mystics and Satanists, but part of the leadership of the USSR has a love for the occult �It was truly painful. Which, in general, is clear: it was difficult for undereducated high school students to understand the wisdom of Masonic lodges or Martinist societies, but shamanistic rites and witchcraft turned out to be not only more affordable, but also much more practical. Lenin Dzerzhinsky and Trotsky, openly accused of Freemasonry, in no witchcraft were not seen. Chekists Trilisser, Bokiy and Blumkin, on the contrary, they spoke directly about the need to put occult knowledge at the service of the proletarian revolution. They dreamed and psychotronic weapons, and clairvoyance with telepathy for military purposes, and searches ancient esoteric centers. Another area of research Bolshevik leaders had the magic of blood. Patronized by this the development of the People’s Commissariat Lunacharsky. According to his patronage, the Bolshevik mystic Alexander Bogdanov created the Institute of Blood Transfusion and conducted experiments on rejuvenating the body and prolonging life. Prominent Bolsheviks Bukharin closely watched the work of Bogdanov and Krasin. But the most mysterious person among the Kremlin inhabitants was Jacob Sverdlov. Nicknamed the Beast He was born in Lower Novgorod in 1885 in a wealthy Jewish family. Graduated four classes of the gymnasium and quickly lost interest in learning. From early youth, he joined the revolution. However, all heroism the revolutionary of 1905 was that he put together Yekaterinburg is a well-conspired fighting squad and in alliance with criminals carried out large “expropriations”. It is subsequently he became the closest associate of Lenin, the initiator of the split of the village, red terror, gossip and execution of the royal family. And a little was not the first person in the state. At least when Lenin was wounded by the Socialist-Revolutionary Kaplan, Sverdlov occupied the Leninist cabinet and single-handedly gave orders. Strange thing, but a slender young man in glasses, seasoned Yekaterinburg criminals were afraid more than the tsar’s secret police. He also made a fascinating impression on the revolutionaries: almost immediately after arriving in an unfamiliar city he was elected Chairman of the Yekaterinburg Council. Oddities continued in the prison. Photos from open Sources The photograph of 1906 is preserved, on which the cell in which Sverdlov was kept together with ordinary criminals. And for some reason he sits in the most honorable place – ahead of thieves in law. The testimonies of the comrades have also been preserved. Sverdlov on the Turukhansk link. He mainly tried to spend time with shamans and sorcerers from the locals. He is diligent studied their languages and took part in rites, visited cemeteries and the temples. Once, warders even confiscated on demand local priest strange drawings over which Sverdlov piled. They obviously had nothing to do with geometry and were mottled mysterious characters. Sverdlov also called his children very strange: “animals”, “animals”, “animals”. It turns out he himself considered a beast? Or beast? In exile Sverdlov started a dog, which called Dog. The animal was very attached to the owner, but, to unfortunately, died a few years later. And then Sverdlov acted very strange: he ordered to remove the skin from the pet, to blow it out and from those since then he constantly carried with him. She even lay on the floor in his Kremlin office. So, by the way, do necromancers who want to keep in touch with the dead object and use it in the world alive. The end of the necromancer Sverdlov’s death was also mysterious like his life. March 9, he spoke at a rally in Orel and went to Moscow to prepare for the congress. Suddenly Sverdlov came down either with a cold, or with a Spanish woman. It seems to be recovering, but March 16 died. Eyewitnesses said that the last day before Sverdlov’s death stumbled around the Kremlin delirious, pestering everyone counter-demanding to sign a resolution. In his hands allegedly there was a blank sheet, and his eyes were empty and crazy too. Death versions the “red sorcerer” were different. According to one of them, Sverdlov half to death the workers were beaten at that same rally. According to another, he died from a spanish woman. The Bolshevik leadership stated that their comrade died of exacerbation of tuberculosis acquired in exile. An inventory of things left after Sverdlov has been preserved. Her in 1935 declassified the head of the NKVD Yagoda – a distant relative of the deceased. There there were about 10 passports for different surnames, 705 gold items with diamonds, more than 100,000 rubles in gold, royal bonds on 700 000. But the skin of the beloved Dog Sverdlov is not listed. Necromancers believe that such artifacts as increase strength the owner is his weak point. Interesting not guessed whether one of Sverdlov’s rivals in the struggle for power on the role hollowed-out skins? Then it is entirely possible that another magician spent a rite that sucked out strength and mind from a necromancer. Battle for tibet but on Sverdlovsk magical wars in the Kremlin did not end. Representatives OGPU “magic” wing staged almost open competition for the right to go in search of Shambhala. The gunner was Jacob Blumkin. He was considered an unsurpassed spy, adventurer and extremely mysterious person. Blumkin knocked out the head of foreign intelligence Meyer Trilisser and head of the encryption department of the OGPU Gleb Bokiya arrange an expedition to Tibet to find Shambhala. To this opposed Lunacharsky, Dzerzhinsky and Chicherin. They ripped off Blume kin plans in 1921. Bokiy gradually “played out” the situation. He insisted on the creation at OGPU of a special parapsychological laboratories and flooded the Soviet secret police with magicians, mediums and soothsayers. The main one was Alexander Barchenko, who assured that revealed the secrets of the shamans of the North. Five years Chekists Bokiya wool all kinds of Masonic lodges, orders of the Rosicrucians, Martinists and other occult circles. The result was disappointing. Stayed the last chance is Shambhala. Trilisser organized border “corridor” Barchenko and “mission to Mongolia” Blumkin, Bokiy supplied them all the information that he collected bit by bit from the occultists. Blumkin was to lead the expedition. In 1926 she took place. Blumkin did not find any Shambhala, but failed all Mongolian agents of the USSR, trying to use it in their adventure The country’s top leadership was furious – special services doing nonsense, relations with several countries are ruined, Shambhala does not exist. In addition, the USSR has already stabilized its position and did not need miracles for further development. Mages from OGPU lost their battle for Tibet.
Photo from open source Operation “Anti-Magic” But with officials, practicing magic rituals, it was not so easy to get rid of. Bokiy collected an impressive dossier on many leaders of the country. Blumkin was a genius of illegal work. Trilisser saw people through and through versts bypassed any traps. Scientific wing of the Reds magicians “was also not going to give up positions. Bogdanov with his The blood transfusion institute was vital to the top of the USSR in purely medical purposes. The first blow was dealt to scientists. Bogdanov died quietly during one of the experiments in 1928. is he died under anesthesia, i.e. artificially induced unconsciousness. This is the best position to attack enemy in the opinion of anyone who believes in magic. In 1930 and their patron Lunacharsky was honorably retired. In the spring of 1929 he was arrested and shot for communications with Trotsky. Blumkin. The fatal role was played by his mistress – Lisa Rosenzweig. By official version, she only conveyed to Blumki-on. By informal – handed some documents and personal belongings to the NKVD narcotist Yagoda lover. And for any magician, personal items in the hands of the enemy are the beginning the end. Bokiy stayed in his post until 1937, being, according to assurances of colleagues, in complete prostration. In May 1937, his called the new People’s Commissar of the NKVD Yezhov. The conversation was about the Bokia dossier on members leadership of the country. Bokii refused to declassify the documents. Yezhov pressed: this is the order of Stalin. Bokii replied: “Me to this position not he appointed, but Lenin. It’s not for him to order me. “They judged sentenced and shot him six months later. Trilisser suspended from work in the NKVD in 1930. Eight years later they arrested, and in 1940 was shot. Gradually transplanted assistants “red magicians” – Barchenko and others like him did not go out for long. Eradication Bogdanov’s ideas resulted in the pursuit of geneticists and others representatives of the natural sciences. In 1937, the secret was closed paranormal laboratory at the High Council national economy, and its leader Benjamin Sverdlov, brother Jacob, was arrested and executed. Behind the rout of the Kremlin occultists Stalin stood. He never stood on ceremony with rivals, and more dangerous he had no rivals magicians or possessors of secret knowledge. there is information that the tyrant hit his enemies with their own weapons. By request Stalin allegedly found people loyal to him in the Vladimir region a pretty strong witch – a certain Natalia Lvov. Her tasks at for many years they began to penetrate other people’s thoughts, destroying plans enemies of the leader, magical protection and destruction of opponents. By rumors, the witch checked the reliability of the environment, helped Stalin establish undivided power over people, played a role hardly no more than official protection. But Stalin knew how it’s dangerous to trust magicians. And Lviv disappeared. And from the Kremlin, where often appeared during the pre-war decade, and from the chic five-room Arbat apartment. There are no magicians in war winners. Marat ALTSHULER �
War Time Life Stalin USSR Tibet Shambhala Shamans