A photo from open sources Traditions about plants – good and evil – reached to us from the “deep antiquity”. How many legends and songs are composed about them! Good herbs were affectionately called an ant-grass, silk grass, and evil – demonic poisons, fierce, dashing roots …
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We heard a story about magical herbs, with the help of which miracles can be done. This is a blooming fern, grass placard, tirlich, gap grass, Adam’s head, grass-grass, neuy-wind and cover. All these amazing plants live close to us, but we most often do not even notice them.
Perunov fireflower
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Fern (it is also called Perunovym fireflower) – this, probably the most famous plant, covered in legends and secrets. The night on Ivan Kupala is a special time when sorcerers gather wonderful herbs. At midnight, the most unthinkable miracles happen, and the main one is fern bloom. A person with such a flower, can with its help easily find treasures, gain power over the houses and devils, become invisible.
Grass poster
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In the villages, ancient times, they revered and even feared a placard grass. It was believed that it contains an amazing power that can humble unclean spirits, expel kikimor and evil sorcerers. The sorcerers pick up the grass at the dawn of Ivanov’s day with their hands, not using no tools. The scientific name for this herb is loosestrife loosestrife. The plant can be found on river and lake banks, special healing properties it does not differ.
Witch’s potion
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Tirlich (aka witch’s potion) is a herb that is considered demonic. On the eve of Ivan Kupala, the witches go to collect her to Bald Mountain. They squeeze juice from tirlich and grease their legs with it. and hands: this helps witches cast spells. The one who gonna rub completely grass, will become a werewolf, able to turn into whom will wish. If the tirlich finds a simple peasant and does the same, he will be able to communicate with ghouls and witches.
Gap grass
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Rupture-grass, as the legend says, is very rare. Find her dreamed of treasure hunters and thieves, because this grass can to break prison lattices and locks, to break any lock. TO for example, only a person with a gap-grass will be able to unlock spellbound treasure. It’s difficult to find a mystical plant, although it’s can be done randomly. So, if on the night of Ivan Kupala mow the grass and the scythe breaks, which means she came across gap-grass.
Adam’s head
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“The king of all herbs” is the Adam’s head, or, as it is called in Western Europe, mandrake. This plant allowed man to see goblin, water and other evil spirits, as well as easy to heal any wounds. To tear Adam’s head without fail with the help of a dog black suit: she must pull the plant with her tail.
Over grass
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The same grass protects people on the road from all sorts of troubles and Satanic machinations. We know her as a water lily, a water lily, and once the plant had a different name – the mermaid flower. Going on a date to your sweethearts, young guys in old times invariably armed with the same grass, which gave them immeasurable male strength, as well as the ability to charm a girl.
Bad wind
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About nekuy-wind, neyuy-grass, or immortelle, they say that her you need to tear only with your mouth. Only then does this plant endow a person the ability to stop the wind, as well as fish without seine and fishing rods.
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Cover grass (woolly wrestler, ranunculaceae family) wizards collect at the end of summer. It is used against the unkind Hex at the wedding. When the young are brought to the house from the church, the healer puts under cover the grass under the threshold. Learning about this, the bride should, entering the house, jump the threshold. Only then will everyone pass it misfortunes.
Plants Russia