Magician Peter the Great

Magician Peter the GreatPhoto from open source Count and Field Marshal General Jacob Bruce, whom Emperor Peter I very much appreciated and called his brother, he was known not only man of versatile encyclopedic knowledge. But also skillful the magician. The last circumstance, as contemporaries recalled, quite amused the king, although believing in god, but rejecting all kinds of witchcraft practices. Peter the Great, in order to understand the essence immense universal wisdom, encouraged Bruce’s “magic tricks”. Nevertheless, there is reason to believe that Peter the Great, in order to understand the essence of immense universal wisdom, encouraged the “witchcraft tricks” Bruce, allowing not only to produce them, but also to bring an outlandish their background in a special album, in order to study diligently and, if useful eat, repeat. This album, despite the doubts of historians, was. However, after the death of the author of the notes, who survived patron emperor, lost. In fact, at the instigation church hierarchs who considered this vast manuscript a breeding ground devils, she was put on fire. Thereby possibly destroyed the most valuable cultural layer developed by a genius, which was Bruce Valuable manuscripts, however, even burning to the ground, do not burn completely. The trace, sometimes quite deep, remains thanks to the tenacious the memory of those who have to leaf through them. The only trouble is that orally repeated retelling always distorts, according to cybernetic terminology makes noise of fiction. Fortunately, there is such concept of how sifting grain from the chaff inquisitiveness. Thanks this can rethink folklore stories related before all with Peter the Great, who is “outlandish and funny” under the mood was entertained by the magician and commander Jacob Bruce. KILLING IN Flower Gardens It is well known that Peter I was a good expert in practical medicine, was known as a good anatomist and doctor. Not Bruce also lagged behind him, obsessed with the mania to create artificial man. No, of course, he did not succeed. But cast a spell to see what is reasonable, attractive in appearance the creature arises from emptiness, produces meaningful actions and even capable of falling in love with herself, it turned out. Leningrad psychiatrist Buhl, author of methodological developments in the technique of hypnosis, in addition passionate collector of everything related to the biography of Peter The Great, from the angle of his profession, examined several incidents, when “suggestion shaped reality.” In a series of such experiments with the emperor’s participation stands apart from the imaginary murder of a young person in Dutch flower garden with subsequent resurrection already in shape tulip lady. The king, of course, was warned that the strike in the heart with a cardboard knife will not pose a danger to life. Same, as subsequent blows with a cardboard ax will not shed even a drop of blood. In fact, the warlock Bruce was able, as Bull put it, to pour in consciousness of absolutely unimpressible Peter I persistent paintings dismemberment of the body, followed by its replacement with the body of the tulip. The girl, woven from tulips, only “repeated physicality”, easily guessed hidden thoughts, slipping, moving between flower beds, was so ephemeral that when you try to touch it crumbled into light glare. Rumor attributed to Bruce that he could form artificial people from any material at hand, including from wooden and iron nails. A fair amount of truth, according to Bulya, this was. It’s not a secret, after all, that experienced psychotherapists for medicinal purposes they inspire everything that it pleases, if only on favor. But without exception, the biographers of Peter the Great support the opinion of contemporaries that it was impossible to deceive the emperor, because with a burning gaze he turned the soul inside out, extracting the most secret thing the interlocutor was afraid to admit even to himself. MIRACLE IN THE BLACK HOUSE During the time of Peter the Great did not exist such a thing as anatomical theater. However, it is known that the king, being in Europe under an assumed name, visited establishments this kind. Not out of idle curiosity, of course, but out of desire to study the structure of human bodies. The reasons for this were at least least two. The first is because of the desire to “physically” heal surgically, that without a thorough knowledge of anatomy is unthinkable. Another reason – to find out whether it is possible to resurrect what, while in Holland, once witnessed and saw a scam. Bruce, too keen on medical sciences, with the support of Peter I established in Petersburg, the first anatomical theater in Russia, named by him, apparently due to the specificity of the functions, the Black House. He is a few minutes resurrected Colonel Ivan dead from a gunshot wound Khvatov, warning those present at the “miracle” of the emperor and officers, which will only make you believe in what is not and be not can. Here is how the author describes the next “focus” of Jacob Bruce published in 1881 an expanded version of the book “Russian people, his customs, rites, superstition, traditions and poetry “M. Zabylin:” Bruce He did not dissemble, telling the emperor that he would rise without resurrecting. But that, what happened, visitors to the Black House were shocked. Naked body Khvatova, wiped with wine vinegar and sprinkled with some kind of liquid pungent smell, by the wave of Bruce’s hands, as if ordered by a remote control, rose from the couch, opened her blind eyes, convulsions passed through to members. After which the revived man, leaning back, returned to inanimate condition. Maybe Bruce managed to pick it up from the grave, for the expert on conspiracy from spoilage, other witchcraft troubles was he is not surpassed by anyone. The news of the miracle absorbed attention for a long time large and small settlements of Petrov’s state. “Bruce was credited with the fact that he managed to surpass the European alchemists, “brewing” living water, elixir of eternal youth. This, of course, is a complete fiction, although one must pay tribute to the fact that Field Marshal was Subtle connoisseur of healing herbs and roots. For example, rid of infectious diseases and purulent wounds with birch tar – the prototype of the wonderful Vishnevsky ointment, several decades consisting in the arsenal of modern medicine. Not excluded and more. That Bruce, as an anatomist, examining the body delivered to the Black House Colonel, I realized that he, according to M. Zabylin, only at death, on the verge of demise that it can be momentarily raised hypnotically. Which he did, with the tacit consent of the emperor, who wished to once again make sure of the “exorbitant power of mental suggestion.” PEA MAGNETISM Phenomenal mathematical abilities Jacob Bruce during his lifetime, being obvious, were not exposed to doubt. M. Zabylin, however, rightly notes that in the first the decade after the death of the “ubiquitous magician” in 1735, “God wound up the news of something ridiculous.” For example, he barely glancing could accurately name the number of peas scattered on the floor, again a quick glance to determine how many barley grains in clay a pot, or “feel how many servicemen are behind the stone walls barracks. Moreover, Bruce could name soldiers and officers by name, if they brought him a tight, impermeable bag with a sealed in it a list. In Russia, the past and present, such unique ones were and are quite a lot. They are in the field of vision of scientists who agree that in In the hoary antiquity such “magnetic talents were no exception, rather the norm. “Yakov Vilimovich Bruce, therefore, only bright demonstrated the limitless possibilities of the human psyche. The possibilities of a remarkable mind, which it is incessantly without immersing in nap idleness, coached. Author of historical stories and stories with increased interest related to “state and magical affairs “Jacob Bruce, Nestor Puppeteer summed up his “otherworldly experimentation” with a capacious phrase: “If it were someone unknown, I would hardly have believed, but his reputation the highest. And therefore I believe in the success of his experimental deeds, bearing in mind that there is no smoke without fire. “For the lack of verified primary sources and we can only believe. Adjusted for skepticism. Portrait: Earl and Field Marshal General Jacob Bruce

Photo from open sources

Life Russia

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