Man did not come out of the animal world of the Earth

Man did not come out of the animal world of the EarthPhotos from open sources of

Ellis Silver – the famous US ecologist – recently released a new a book in which it proves that man appeared on Earth dozens thousand years ago, not during evolution, but during an artificial act with side of the Higher forces.

Moreover, it does not matter who the performer of this Higher will, writes the scientist, say, aliens, creating homo sapiens with using genetic engineering, or it happened somehow differently. More important another – modern man is actually poorly adapted to life on the “home” planet, this is clearly not his homeland.

Firstly, the human skeleton is not designed for Earth’s gravity, it was created on the basis of material not adapted to it, why we have constant back problems.

Secondly, although man himself considers himself the crown of Nature, he is all worse adapted for life on this planet. This is not said only numerous chronic diseases inherent in us, but also difficult childbirth (too big a head at the fetus), intolerance sun rays and more. And yet look how easy it is to the wildlife is adapted to the environment! Moreover, completely recently scientists have proved that for the human body optimal hours would be 25-hour rather than 24-hour.

A photo from open sources

Based on these and many other data, Dr. Silver claims that modern man is the fruit of the crossing of some earthly an animal, say, a humanoid monkey, with extraterrestrial races, what happened about a hundred to two hundred thousand years ago.

As the alleged aliens who could accomplish all this, Ellis Silver calls guests from the Alpha Centauri star system, located about five light-years from Earth. By According to the doctor, Homo sapiens was not created even on Earth, but outside it, and only then delivered to our planet.

From the point of view of divine providence, writes the American ecologist in her book, the earth was most likely created as a kind prison where the souls of the inhabitants of the universe who violate some laws.

To some extent, all this is confirmed by the theory of karma, however, watching, for example, the proposed video “Payback for sins, “you understand that divine providence is much deeper and at the same time more flexible or something, if I may say so, than all of our earthly scientific theory-speculation.

A life

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