Man is looking for food … happiness

Man is looking for food ... happinessA photo from open sources

Did you know that psychological dependence on food is also serious, like alcoholism or drug addiction? Scientists have found regular meals not related to satisfying hunger, a person compensates for the lack of hormones of happiness in the body. And more often total dependence arises from harmful, fatty foods.

For lonely or depressed people, a hearty dinner replaces the presence of a loved one. After eating junk food all problems go away for a while, anxiety and a feeling of dissatisfaction become dull, the lack of attention and love is replaced by the usual the drug is food.

A psychological dependence of this kind begins to develop in since childhood, when parents simply overfeed their child. This leads to the fact that the child develops a habit: if he has overeaten, it means he has had enough. Organism stops signal a feeling of fullness, and, as a result, a person gets used to eat in huge quantities and finish your meal only when he eats everything to the last crumbs.

This addiction, scientists say, is as detrimental as addiction to computer games or addiction. Use drugs and constant desire to eat has much in common – in both In humans, a compulsive urge arises, desire get your dose of positive emotions. Feeling of satisfaction arising in a person after eating, after some time passes when the level of endorphins and glucose in the body decreases, and then the person starts eating again.

So maybe it’s worth considering whether you are addicted to the contents of your refrigerators, and is it really good for your children full to the brim plates?


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