Many people have found a mysterious scar on forefinger

Many people have found a mysterious scar on the index fingerA photo from open sources

Russian journalist Oleg Kashin made quite unusual opening. Our compatriot drew attention to what has a scar on the side of the third phalanx of the left index finger. However, the publicist does not remember to injure his hand in this place. He accidentally mentioned this fact with his friends, and they unexpectedly also found a similar scar in the same place. Obviously that this cannot be a mere coincidence.

Kashin spoke about his find to Runet users, and hundreds Russian men bombarded the journalist with photographs of their fingers from mysterious scar. In some, it is convex and very noticeable, in others – quite bright, almost indistinguishable. At first it was assumed that only representatives were endowed with such an “anomaly” of the stronger sex, however, it soon became clear that many women also are owners of a “scar” whose appearance they cannot to explain.

A photo from open sources

However, there were also know-it-all commentators who are here they tried to find this mysterious phenomenon rational or even some kind of explanation. Some of them believe that right-handed people are easily injured. this place with a knife or other tool (see photo a little higher). According to others, we are talking about an unknown science rudiment. Finally, others hypothesize that individuals with a scar on finger were marked by higher powers.

One way or another, the mystery of the newly discovered phenomenon has already occupied the minds, not only Russians, but also residents of foreign countries, who also began to find an incomprehensible scar on his left index finger hands…

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