Mariana Trench: Have Scientists Approached unraveling her secrets?

The Mariana Trench: have scientists come close to unraveling its secrets?A photo from open sources

The oceans occupy, as you know, almost 70 percent the territory of our planet. But think about it: this is only about area, meanwhile it is a colossal body of water, a thickness which in the Mariana Trench reaches 11 thousand meters, right through pervades life. And we know very little about this life, because science – more or less – studied the inhabitants of the surface layer. A what happens on the “lower floors”, say, at a depth of three, four, five kilometers, not to mention the bottomless sea abysses? ..

It seems to us that at a great depth, for example, in the same The Mariana Trench, there can be no life at all. Scientists thought the same way – until in the sixties of the last century did not make the first attempts to penetrate this gloomy abyss.

What the bathyscaphe “Trieste” demonstrated

In 1960, the deep-sea bathyscaphe “Trieste”, designed Auguste Piccard, which NASA bought from Swiss scientists, was able to sink to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.

A photo from open sources

Researchers got little then recorded only strange shadows that accumulated near the bathyscaphe. However, being on the Glomar Challenger scientific vessel, scientists suddenly recorded a sound that resembled the rattle of a saw for metal. It was It was decided to urgently raise the Trieste to the surface of the ocean. This the “urgent” climb lasted almost eight hours, and at the end of it a real shock awaited the researchers: all cameras of the underwater vehicle were broken, and steel hoisting cables were half cut. Who it did, unknown until now, but certainly not fish …

A photo from open sources

Mysterious creatures of the infernal depths

Subsequent dives into the Mariana Trench were not so dramatic, but scientists are again confronted with the fact that on a fantastic depth flows the life of some unknown to science sea ​​creatures. So, the Nereus auto probe did a lot photo and video recordings of strange people living here creatures of, say, huge, mouthless worms, incredible the size of octopuses and starfish, not to mention even more sinister, unlike creatures.

A photo from open sources

One of the most interesting discoveries of recent years has become deep-sea crustaceans of the Mariana Trench, which, as it turned out, literally saturated with toxins, and some even emit radiation. But where does it come from at such an unthinkable depth? And so – in everything: than the more scientists penetrated the ocean abyss, the more questions they appeared. But with the answers to them, this is where worse.

A photo from open sources

So, plunging into the Mariana Trench at the Highfish bathyscaphe, German scientists have already been attacked at a depth of 7 kilometers real dragons (at least these creatures were very reminiscent of their appearance and behaved quite aggressively). And only thanks a strong current discharge fired along a special arc encircling bathyscaphe, researchers managed to scare away creepy guests. Aren’t these did the monsters saw the Trieste steel cables? In any case, mindful of the long-standing incident, the current depth researchers try to be prepared for any to the unexpected.

However, is it possible to predict and calculate everything given the fact that The Mariana Trench is still a mystery to science seals? While a person is simply not able to organize a thorough and comprehensive study of this transcendental depth, and even what is available to him today seems like a miracle. Same time real miracles, apparently, are yet to come …

Time Life Mariana Trench

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