Photo from open sources
This week, a strange tendency to mass swoon. Mostly young girls suffered from them. Everything can be attributed to coincidence coincidences or to the manifestation of mass hysteria, which sometimes happens. In every case in the countries of central and southern Africa is not a novelty. District Education Council (DEBs) in Lusaka Confirmed Report on strange incidents at Northmead High School. Schoolchildren fell in fainting at the same time and as if in a trance. When came to consciousness, obviously frightened teenagers claimed that saw spirits who suggested that they “go to the other side.” “I refused, but they continued to insist that I go with them. After I became resistant, they dissolved, and I woke up “- one of the students told the journalist. Another student said the school authorities are aware of what is happening. At the doctors who were examined in the hospital, the doctors did not find deviations from health. Blame witchcraft. Headmaster, Sunshine Malambo presented a report on this “supernatural” phenomenon in DEBs. “We can’t give you any details, but all I I can tell you, this is what we presented in DEBs, and we will wait for further reaction from them, “he said. Nobody knows exactly what caused the fainting of eleven people, basically girls who passed out during a mass in the church of Sydney. Ambulance help was called to help in the Church of the Mother of God, but when the car arrived, doctors found in distress already a few people. Most suffered from suffocation, dizziness and nausea. They were placed in the Royal Hospital North coast. Specialists were called in because believed that there was a chemical gas poisoning. “But they ничего не смогли найти”. Фото изopen source dozens of university students in new york Willanova in Pennsylvania was hospitalized due to fainting and nosebleeds. The cause of the disease is still in the stage investigations. 30 freshmen were taken to hospital after the “mysterious adverse reaction” they suffered – including nosebleeds and shortness of breath – in a regular lecture on chemistry. It is not clear what caused the fainting – among the versions call the professor’s mistake, who was also hospitalized or failure of an unknown laboratory unit. University was examined and classes resumed.