Maya Indians contacted aliens

Mayan Indians in contact with aliensPhoto from open sources

The ancient Mayan Indians left behind many mysteries, which are difficult to resolve, approaching this civilization with ordinary earthly standards. Not so long ago, the president of Mexico reported amazing information to shed light on some of the events the distant past.

Aliens and Maya

As it turned out, in secret government vaults, under land, 80 years were the most important historical materials. These documents are direct evidence that there were aliens from outer space and Maya Indians met with them. IN declassified manuscript sources of the tribe affirms: our the planet was visited by creatures from a completely different starry world. These materials are expected to be published shortly. for the general public.

A photo from open sources

Mayan Secrets

For a fairly short period of its existence, the Maya Indians made a powerful breakthrough: mastered writing and mastered large areas of Central America. They were even A model of the formation of our universe is built.

But here is an interesting fact: those who succeed in science, who have mastered for some reason, the Mayans didn’t do the math that created the exact calendar. the simplest thing is not invented the wheel. And after when the wheels and carts have served humanity for centuries, the ancient Indians and not thought to use them. But the Mayans invented a lot for provision and improvement of one’s life: from movement on water by canoe before complex surgery … But wheels with which it was possible to move and to transport goods by land, the Mayans did not.

A photo from open sources

Meanwhile, they built huge pyramids of stone, which today amaze us with their greatness. Really when building these of colossal structures, people carried heavy blocks on themselves? After all they couldn’t put animals in carts with wheels because the absence of the latter …

Some researchers believe our relocation information ancient Indians by land are very scarce. In particular, the opinion that they could have the secret of teleportation.

This is confirmed by the Mayan handwritten texts, according to which any an adult Indian could sit under a tree, clutching a staff and closing it eyes, and after a short time to open them in a completely different place. It is clear that this type of movement is much more efficient than carts. TO In short, any evidence that the Mayans dragged multi-ton blocks, are absent in ancient documents.

Have the aliens helped the Mayan tribe escape into another space?

Another mystery of the ancient Mayan civilization is its unexpected extinction. The priests who made up the calendar that scared us so much 2012, were well aware of the planets of the solar system: some of them scientists (as if repeatedly after Maya) discovered relatively recently.

But the ancient Indians also knew about others distant from us. star worlds. Now it turns out that they, among other things, met with space aliens. How come that a rapidly developing civilization with huge potential, suddenly and inexplicably disappears from the face of the earth?

And if we assume that all of their knowledge and capabilities of Maya received thanks to friends who arrived from another world? And, perhaps, it’s not about the sunset of a great culture, but about a simple movement in another dimension or another space? No coincidence aliens still showing increased interest in the ancient Mayan cities, because they may be somehow connected with mysterious for us temporary spatial portals …

A photo from open sources

Mayan Civilization Pyramid Time

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