Maybe Putin is right that the Internet is CIA project?

Maybe Putin is right that the Internet is a CIA project?A photo from open sources And what if the World Wide Web is not so is neutral? The Russian leader, perhaps, oversimplifies the situation, but overall correctly represents the historical context of Atlantico: April 24, Vladimir Putin said that the Internet was originally CIA project and continues to develop as such. How much can such statements be trusted? Michel Nesterenko: Statement President Putin as a whole for sure, if you take the concept of “CIA” as a designation for the entire American military establishment. To better to deal with all this, I propose to make a small an excursion into the history of the development of computer science. The internet path began in 1962 in the Pentagon military research laboratories. IN In 1969, the network brought together computers of researchers who were developing military programs in four American universities. In 1974, the American companies Tymnet and Compuserve applied X.25 communication protocol to form an international commercial data exchange network in which The first email was sent in 1979. In 1977 the advent of the Apple II computer was the beginning of the era of computer science. In 1979 year, university students began to use ARPANET and created the first news forum. In 1981, the world saw IBM PC, and in 1984 – Apple Macintosh. And only in 1990 created for military purposes ARPANET began to give way to a worldwide the web and the Internet that we are currently using. After 2000, the Internet became the undisputed leader with the community of more than 300 million computers, and the competing X.25 network does not no chance left. The CIA as an intelligence agency the American government appeared in 1947 and the beginning especially actively develop after moving to Langley in 1961. In 1964 year (this was partly due to growing needs due to war in Vietnam) the CIA began to actively recruit analysts in American universities with small ads. It was until the end of the war in 1975. NSA created in 1952 by President Truman’s order, however his existence was officially recognized only in 1957. In 1975, the NSA recognized that are engaged in the systematic interception of information on all international communication channels, sometimes even to influence the course of international negotiations with the participation of allied countries! 1975 – this is the beginning of the computer era and the era of active development of the military network ARPANET in American universities under the control of the CIA and the NSA. FROM From this perspective, President Putin’s statement makes perfect sense. Since 2005, the NSA has repeatedly expanded its order President Bush. Now known and documented confirmed by reports from the White House and Congress that the NSA doesn’t give a damn about laws and the US constitution when for several years spelled out almost all telephone conversations and Internet correspondence on to the whole world. All data is stored in a newly created huge center, which is now constantly expanding. In this pursuit of the title of the main “big brother” of the NSA leaves no chance for all of its competitors, including the CIA, and even comes to cooperation with criminal circles. President Obama did not heed the unanimous opinion of all leading experts and American enterprises and confirmed this NSA mission, ignoring collateral damage to American society and industry. – Why Vladimir Putin made that statement right now, amid NetMundial (São Paulo-based international management forum the internet)? Is he trying to undermine US confidence to get rid of ballast in Internet governance? – American the government endlessly criticizes China and Russia for anti-democratic behavior, as these countries would like control the Internet for your own criminal purposes, and in particularly to keep extremist-minded people under surveillance oppositionists of all stripes. But essentially American government at the hands of its agencies, the CIA, the NSA, and the FBI itself established surveillance of the vast majority of US citizens and even residents of other countries of the world. Today in America it’s wonderful it can be seen that the FBI and the local police are using the collected online information to oppress citizens and right and left opposition movements. In the FBI, hackers are hired to shame get information inaccessible by legal methods. Such President Putin seeks to attract international attention community to the fact that uncontrolled internet can become a destabilizing factor for our complex society, as in socially and economically. Unattended Internet is a real paradise for the mafia, terrorists threatening small children pedophiles and other criminals. Refusal of war with cybercrime could become fatal in the future economics because not a single enterprise can do today without internet and electricity (and all power plants, by the way, managed over the internet). Therefore, according to President Putin, if there are no security levers on the Internet, he will serve the interests of military and industrial hegemony Americans to the detriment of the rest of the world. – According to Google Vice President Vint Cerf, despite the special US position on the Internet, they do not control it in any way. Moreover, he considers it extremely difficult to form a system Internet governance, which could reconcile the imperatives openness and security. What do you think of it? – on Google absolutely right when they say that no one, not even American government cannot truly control the entire internet. However, the question is not about maintaining complete freedom with security, because without security there will be no freedom, economy, employment … There will be no Google. Appeared not so long ago a heartbleed mistake threatened the existence of everything Internet. The NSA knew about it for more than two years, but nothing to anyone said (even to the american government) to extract from situations maximize the benefits. Google vice president is definitely expresses nostalgia for past years when enterprises could maximize profits by offering consumers filled bugs and vulnerabilities products that could take advantage of criminal purposes. – What do you think will be develop situation after NetMundial? – The US has already announced unwillingness to manage the Internet in the future, which, in in particular, domain name assignment activities ICANN. The rest of the world, led by China, Russia, Brazil, and Germany favor Internet control under the auspices of the united nations on a model already existing UN agencies. In such conditions, each region will Be responsible for network security in their area of ​​influence. Posted by Michel Nesterenko – Director of Research French Center for Intelligence Research.

Vladimir Putin War China Russia USA Economy

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