Maybe we live in a matrix?

Maybe we live in a matrix?A photo from open sources

Everything inexplicable and mysterious often raises the question – and not in matrix do we live? Talented by script and embodiment of the film The “Matrix,” as it were, “imposed” on us yet another explanation of all those phenomena that hardly or completely do not fit into Procrustean bed of logic.

A man of the last century, faced with something unusual and simply transcendent, exclaimed – mysticism! Modern man already He does not believe in mysticism, but he believes in the matrix.

And weird things that look like a program crash in the matrix, in our daily lives abound. Look at least these photos: whether they seem to you somewhat strange in terms of simple coincidences, not to mention the unexplained optical phenomenon – like trimmed trees?

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

A photo from open sources

Matrix Life

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