Photos from open sources It is such an urban conglomerate called Jing-Jin-Ji (Jin-Jin-Ji) plan to create in China. And live there will be at least one hundred and thirty million people.
By area, the new metropolis will cover one hundred thirty two thousand square kilometers, including such major agglomerations, like Beijing, Hebei and Tianjin.
According to the project, Beijing in this urban conglomerate will responsible for culture and technology. Tianjin will get the role research center, but Hebei so far, as they say, free from any “duties”, his “violin” is not yet defined.
The main goal of this project, which has already been given the green light, is it accelerate economic reform in the country. As the professor says Liu Gang, working at Tianjin Nankai University, supercity will become a kind of locomotive of the huge transformations in China.
At the moment, the main problem in creating an unusual city Jing-Jin-Ji is urban transport, as well as certain lack of hospitals, schools and kindergartens. However the Chinese leadership believes that with these tasks handle pretty fast. I think that’s how it will happen, since there has never been such a project, even if almost fantastic that China would not realize. Enough recall the construction of the highest mountain in the world of Qinghai-Tibet railway line, which seemed to be built just unthinkable. However, the Chinese managed, and amazingly quickly and without fail – successfully.