Mexicans brewed diet beer

Mexicans brewed diet beerPhotos from open sources of

Beer is known to be the third most popular drink on planet after water and tea. And it’s no secret to anyone that of this Trinity foamy drinking is considered the only harmful since contains ethanol and promotes obesity.

Mexican brewers decided to partially eliminate the shortcomings of beer and introduce the world to a new kind of hop drink. Beer still harms the liver, but the stomach from it no longer is growing. Specialists for many years developed the recipe diet beer. They succeeded when they found the perfect proportion of agave – a southern sugar plant – and beer yeast.

To taste this beer is reminiscent of a strong alcoholic drink tequila, than in Mexico you won’t surprise anyone, because here is the manufacture such a beer is common practice. And here comes have to get used to it.

Mexican brewers foamy drink not only contains minimum calories but also has special trace elements that burn fat. North American states quickly tried out the novelty and even forced manufacturers open additional points for its sale, since after a week the demand for diet beer is significantly exceeded the offer.

By the way, we add that beer consumption in the world is constantly growing, and this despite the best efforts of medical professionals to prove it harmfulness to the human body. Moreover, in the last time in the world, and especially in the CIS countries, including Russia, widespread sale of not even beer, but a beer drink, which can be stored (also in plastic containers) a lot months, without losing their taste. And what are his qualities, as a food product – one can only guess with horror. Therefore, Mexican consumers of beer costs only envy …

Mexico Plants Russia

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