Michael Jackson died of overwork

A photo from open sources

In Los Angeles, Michael Jackson’s personal doctor in the courtroom stated that on the eve of death Michael did without a full sleep in within 60 days. Turns out more than two months Jackson took propofol and anesthetics to overcome insomnia, as it was going to restore strength and return to the world of show business. However, under Jackson only felt good under the influence of drugs rested, in fact his dream was very superficial. Therefore, the doctor is sure that Michael did not die because of an overdose sedatives, and due to lack of sleep and full recreation. “If you eat cellulose granules instead of dinner – your stomach will be full and you will not feel hungry, however, your body will not receive any calories that are needed him to restore strength and full functioning. Also the same goes for sleep, “said the doctor. Scientists around the world on the issue the need for sleep is in agreement – a full sleep is vital to our body! Especially the necessary rest is needed by people whose the body is weakened by illness or physical activity, because sleep not only refreshes, but also restores vital resources. Phase REM sleep is characterized by increased activity of the head brain, it is during this period of time that we have dreams and our the subconscious mind is automatically cleared of unnecessary information. Scientists consider that this process occurs in the area of ​​the base of the brain, in an area that experts call a “bridge.” It turns out if damage this particular critical area of ​​the brain that will come immediate death of the whole organism. However, in medical practice several cases were recorded when people safely survived similar trauma and live quite normal lives except that their dream no longer goes through the fast phase. For example, Israeli researcher Peretz Lavi has long been watched the life of his patient who lost his fast sleep in result of traumatic brain injury. However, this did not appear on his health, nor on his personal life. He graduated safely law school and then became the chief editor of a newspaper in Tel Aviv

Sergey Vasilenkov

Life time

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