Michigan stumbled upon a snowy female man with cubs

A resident of Michigan stumbled upon a female Bigfoot with cubsA photo from open sources

February 15 at the famous video hosting “YouTube” appeared mysterious record depicting probably the legendary snow somewhere in the forests of the US state of Michigan. How often happens with similar materials, details of the operator’s meeting with the alleged relict hominid is very scarce. Cryptozoologists, uploaded this video to the World Wide Web, only report that with on the other side of the cell was a tourist who went to solitary hike in nature. Having received these amazing shots, man soon poisoned them by e-mail to specialists, wishing stay in the shade.

By turning on the video below, you can see the high and a dark anthropomorphic figure, slowly pacing among trees and bushes of fern. American managed close enough get close to the monster, but he didn’t react at all human presence, even though the man is loud crunched branches. This has caused skepticism in some regulars. Networks. According to them, the real bigfoot was easily noticed (felt) a man for many hundreds of meters, and therefore managed to hide.

Meanwhile, other commentators examined in mysterious frames two small black silhouettes following the big one. According to such users, a bigfoot female with two cubs. Probably for this reason, the researchers assure of this video material, was the reason that the bigfoot failed to hide. That’s how a bear behaves “inadvertently,” for example: if she doesn’t have time to withdraw her cubs from human eyes on time …


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