A photo from open sources
Microsoft Vice Terry Vice President Myerson promised that the new version of the “OS” Windows (tenth release) will be available even to pirates.
This should be understood as follows: everyone who has “OSes” today Windows 7 or Windows 8, even unlicensed (pirated), will be able upgrade them to the tenth release for free. The term of such a generous gift is set one year from the beginning of the publication of a new OS
It will become available for purchase and upgrade, again According to the head of Microsoft, this summer, although the plan was scheduled for release earlier in the fall. Exact date (at least month) is not called.
Many will immediately have a natural question: why is this such generosity on the part of an ambitious American company? It turns out that it is dictated by “great financial success” in Microsoft’s entry into the huge Chinese market. So the PRC �we became an assistant in this …
The new operating system will be available in almost two hundred countries of the world and it will be released in a hundred and eleven languages, naturally not forgotten and Russian. By the way, Windows 10 is already free download.