Milk producers saw in barcodes “seal of the antichrist”

Milk producers saw in barcodesA photo from open sources Company “Ruzskoye milk” explained why on the boxes of its products crossed out barcodes. As told company representatives on their official website, barcode It is nothing but an encrypted “seal of the devil.” “It has long been known that a barcode on products is a face or the seal of antichrist, invisibly always contains three sixes (666) – or the name of the Antichrist, which is hidden in the Holy Scriptures, “the company’s website says. Referring to some Orthodox elders, the milk producer notes that “it is in the form of a barcode that the seal will be implanted people on the forehead and the arm. “Such a” seal “will be used to identification of people, sure producers of “Ruza milk”. By their opinion, all this will happen soon, since today “people everywhere offer universal electronic cards, containing absolutely all the information about a person. “On the site the company provides links to certain studies that confirm the presence of the “number of the beast” in the barcode. It is also indicated that many clergy and theologians today oppose bar coding. “OJSC” Ruzskoye Milk “is forced to bet on barcode in its packaging, because without it we could sell our products are only on farmers’ markets, but not in stores. Not less, striking out the barcode, we want to show our position. I would like to emphasize that we cross out it is not simple, but St. Andrew’s cross, “explained company representatives. The president of the agricultural holding “Russian Milk” is Vasily Boyko the Great, who became a defendant in the criminal case of raider land grabbing back in 2006. He was also charged with fraud and legalization of illegally acquired property, charged with organizing a criminal community. However, the entrepreneur managed to avoid imprisonment. Company known not only for this. In 2010, the Internet leaked information that employees of the agricultural holding are forcibly order obliged to get married. Smartly great then quite original explained this requirement to subordinates. He noted that the heat and the forest fires of 2010 were a kind of “punishment for sins”. Therefore, he called baptized Christians “for correction.” “Yes this, certainly not advice. This is undoubtedly a requirement, but not coercion, – he noted. – In our company, which is the main sets the mission of the Orthodox revival of Russia, such spiritual dress code, “he said.


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