Photos from open sources
Russian multimillionaire Dmitry Kaminsky instituted an award in a million dollars to anyone who breaks the official record for longevity, which now belongs to Jeanne Calman, a Frenchwoman, who died in 1997 at the age of one hundred twenty-two years.
According to Kamensky, today there are already considerable achievements in areas of prolonging human life, and these technologies, like all others are developing rapidly. Plus, the competition for getting a million will only help ensure that the bar longevity will constantly increase. For example, today the average age of life in the United States is approaching eighty years, and this indicator is constantly growing, which indicates a natural the desire of mankind for longevity. Push individual personalities, as well as scientists, according to the millionaire, will be very useful, which he does.
It’s not clear how such a mythical prize can generate the spirit of competition in middle-aged people in their struggle for longevity? This is true only for those who are already over one hundred and ten, but these are hardly interested in a million dollars.
By the way, Dmitry Kamensky also made a bet with the doctor Alex Zhavoronkov. The rate is the same – a million dollars, but wins of them the one who will live more than a hundred years. And here it’s not clear how the deceased will pay the bill for the loss? And therefore all the words millionaire and the same Zhavoronkov that similar competitions help overcome biological and psychological aging, it seems no more than a farce of bored oligarchs, or some another publicity stunt …
Life Russia