A photo from open sources
Such an advertising trick is not described in any marketing textbook. And he is not even known in Russia, since all Russian marketers learn from US and Western European textbooks, naively believing that in the USSR there was nothing like that even.
It was, my friends, and the most original publicity stunt was It was invented in the USSR back in the forties of the last century.
If someone does not know this, I will say that in the Soviet Union there has always been a shortage of meat, but with fish – a complete abundance. But then there were no modern refrigerated refrigerators and even huge warehouse freezers, but because the fish or salted (by the old fashioned way), or rolled up in the banks according to the most modern one moment of technology.
And soon fish abundance appeared in the form of huge pyramids from canned fish – as many as fifty-odd items.
A photo from open sources
But … Soviet citizens did not want to eat canned food: they belonged to him cautiously, considering them bad food. The country has seen a clear overproduction of canned fish products. And what to do?
And then the Minister of Foreign Affairs for that period Vyacheslav Molotov came up with an amazing marketing move that you can admire today. At a meeting of the Supreme Council of the USSR, he made sensational news that a group is operating in the country criminals who rolls jewelry and gold in fish canned food and thus smuggles them abroad. True to canneries often fail to record “golden jars”, and therefore they began to fall into retail trade everywhere. A because Vyacheslav Mikhailovich turned to Soviet citizens, who discovered such jewels in canned goods, return them to the state for a decent remuneration.
A photo from open sources
This news was immediately carried by journalists throughout the Soviet Union. What started here! Canned food was immediately swept from the shelves shops. And although gullible Soviet buyers do not have anything in them found, but gradually began to get used to canned food. So it was this problem in the country was easily and originally solved.
If this seems like a joke to you, then, I assure you, still alive Russians who heard this story from their parents or grandparents. And they told in all seriousness that themselves they were looking for jewelry in canned food, but … they didn’t find it. But they tried the cans themselves, got used to them and then willingly bought their whole life …
A photo from open sources
Russia Pisces of the USSR �