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Over the question of what is the world around us, man, judging by everything, was conceived from the most ancient times. However, this world itself made sense only if it could be considered with point of view of consciousness, because even a primitive man, apparently, understood: there is no conscious perception of the world around him, there is no of this world.
Currently, there are at least three views on what consciousness is.
According to materialists, consciousness is a product of the human brain, or more primitive animal, or even some kind of “brain structures of the “plant world. Remove the brain from this” design “- and consciousness will cease, which happens at the moment of death of any living organism.
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However, even materialists are not quite sure that after death consciousness disappears, not to mention the fact that there are many people in the world, who do not have a brain at all, and, nevertheless, live, and this quite conscious individuals. In addition, scientists have long been face the limitations of materialism, say, with the discrepancy between Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity and the principle Heisenberg uncertainties.
Dualism of body and soul
For a long time this theory was the prerogative of only religious teachings, according to which the body (the physical shell of the living organism) and the soul (consciousness) are two different things connected in our material world just for passing some kind of divine tasks.
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And although this point of view is mainly religious people or supporters of some spiritual practices, dualism is more and more also interested in scientists who even measured the weight of the soul at the moment the demise of man, not to mention many other evidence purely scientific plan. For example, under hypnosis, a person can remember their past lives, which, on the one hand, proves the theory reincarnation, and on the other – confirms the dualism of the soul and body.
In scientific circles, theory is gaining more and more popularity. panpsychism, according to which the fundamental principle of our universe is consciousness, starting from the World and ending with its manifestation in every bit of being. This is somewhat similar to teaching. Buddhists, remember the Zen koan: who hears the sound of a falling tree, if there is no one nearby? That is, the surrounding world is unconscious does not make sense, and therefore does not exist.
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This is confirmed by quantum mechanics, which proves that particles have neither shape nor exact location until they observe or measure. So, the famous American theoretical physicist John Wheeler is sure that it is proto-consciousness that plays a role here main violin, with all the particles of this world, even the most the smallest are also endowed with consciousness in contact with the field Creator. According to this “anthropic principle of participation,” nothing exists until for comprehension of something (big or small, not important) consciousness does not appear.
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But even among proponents of panpsychism there is no full agreement. Some scholars, even agreeing that the root cause of everything in the world is consciousness, trying to “tie” it to the material to the world. For example, neuroscientist Christoph Koch (Allen Institute) plans to connect the brains of experimental animals, tracing that of it will turn out. And the English physicist and philosopher Roger Penrose is looking consciousness in the synapses of the brain at a quantum level. Moreover, in the last time, he is increasingly slipping into materialism, trying to prove that consciousness is still a product of the physical world, but it is already then it itself generates mathematics that can encode laws physicists who gave rise to this consciousness. Tricky, isn’t it? ..
You can write about all this a lot, especially since neither to prove nor refute the presence of proto-consciousness as the root cause everything in the universe is almost impossible. But … comprehending this truth, scientists, presumably, go up another notch in the explanation of the world around us. In any case, progress, and he is welcome!
Time Universe