Money relieves pain

Money relieves painPhoto from open sources

New study shows that money blunts physical pain and facilitate social rejection of a person. IN during 6 different experiments psychologists and professor on marketing researched the power of money as a way of social recognition. The results showed that even when a person thinks about upcoming expenses, it causes him emotional and physical pain. 84 students took part in one experiment – volunteers who were divided into 2 groups, and which were It is proposed to pass a test that checks manual dexterity. One group counted large banknotes, the other – ordinary paper labels. After that, they started playing a computer game. Cyberball, in which 4 players throw balls to each other. To each of They were told that they play with real people, but in fact in fact, for the “real” people played a computer. First half of the game all passed with good results, and in the second game was programmed to quickly knock out a real player. Most were upset by the results, but those who considered labels before the game, and not money expressed much harder their dissatisfaction than students from the opposite group. Like an experiment was conducted and to determine the effect of money on physical pain, students were also divided into two groups, one of them which counted money, and the other – labels. Then they lowered your fingers into hot water, at a temperature of about 50 degrees Celsius. The result was the same: those who counted money expressed their emotions about money much more poorly than the other Group. In the following experiments, deciding that counting money, perhaps was a kind of entertainment for students and just cheered them up, the researchers asked volunteers to write list of your spending over the past month. The essence of the experiment itself is not changed. Another group described a typical summer day. results turned out to be the same. As the participants themselves noted, simply write about your already spent money is already stress, and the pain of hot they felt more water and from losing in a computer game. “The results speak of the power of money, even as a symbol, which even changes the perception of ordinary feelings, such as pain, ” says Kathleen Vohs, research co-author and professor of marketing. The obtained results only confirm the previous ones. studies showing that money affects emotional human condition due to its symbolic power in society. Also, experiments have shown that people who feel rejected by society or have experienced physical pain, need much more in money than those who did not go through it. Researchers note that a person always wants more money than he has, but, receiving them, he calms down only if if you do not feel the need for deep spiritual satisfaction, since satisfaction from cash is superficial.

Water Money

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