Photo from Open Source Yale University Employees in the USA found that chimpanzees prefer heat-treated raw and, if desired, they themselves are able to cook various dishes. Probably boiled and fried meat and vegetables seem primates more delicious – because monkeys and prefer cooked food.
Concerning the benefits of heat treatment, food has long been underway unceasing disputes. Some experts claim that after frying and cooking products become harmful (raw food supporters), others experts consider a person’s transition to heat treatment of food as a major evolutionary milestone. One thing is for sure: various dishes cooked on fire much tastier than raw vegetables and roots, because it is not surprising that chimpanzees prefer to them. The fact that raw foods (the path is not all, but at least some) more useful than heat treated, monkeys are unlikely guess.
To allow primates to cook their own meals, Americans created a special device. Interact with open fire no one would allow monkeys from the zoo, however, experts have developed an electrical box in which to place products and close it, after which the contents of the device will be I warm up to temperatures capable of thermally processing. After the chimpanzees understood how this stove works, ninety percent of individuals chose to cook their food rather than eat it raw. At the same time, the monkeys cooked not only meat and potatoes, but also unsuitable foods such as spinach, walnuts and even a watermelon.
The authors of the experiment considered that using fire desire can (or could) not only people and their distant ancestors, but also great apes. With the results of this interesting research (especially for raw foodists and their ardent opponents) can be found in the American scientific publication “Proceedings of the Royal Society.”