A photo from open sources At the Royal Burgers Zoo, located in the Dutch community of Arnhem, filming took place not so long ago documentary about animals. The documentaries decided to disturb as few zoo inhabitants as possible, therefore, to capture life animals used a radio-controlled multicopter equipped with video camera.
During the filming, a very interesting event occurred. Chimpanzee having noticed an unmanned aerial vehicle in the air, armed sticks and tried to hit the quadcopter. The operator as if nothing sometimes continued shooting and, apparently, underestimated the monkeys, since they really managed to shoot down remotely controlled helicopter.
In the video below you can see how the multicopter first flies creek and approaches primates who have chosen artificial log construction. One of the monkeys takes a stick, climbs on edge of the log and hits her on the drone, resulting in the camera falls to the ground. His camcorder continues work by letting you see how monkeys study with curiosity outlandish subject for them.
According to zoologists who watched the recording, chimpanzees from Netherlands zoo demonstrated amazing intellectual abilities. They are not only interested flying apparatus, but also managed to bring it down, and then explore. People try to do about the same thing when they notice sky unidentified objects that are supposedly alien interplanetary ships.