Musk turtles (lat. Sternotherus odoratus) can remain under water for a long time because they receive oxygen from her through special bodies in their own language, Austrian reports biologists in an article published in The Anatomical Record. Photo from open source ability of musk turtles living in rivers and lakes of the eastern United States and southern Canada, spend days under water and months, without surfacing, remained for a long time a mystery to scientists. Sea species of turtles cannot breathe at all under water and forced to climb every few hours to surface. Some freshwater species can breathe through the skin. or special organs in the back of the body, however musky turtles are devoid of these abilities. Photo from open sources We knew that somewhere they had an authority for breath in the water, but finally opened it by pure chance, “- said study leader zoologist Egon Heiss, which is quoted by the BBC Broadcasting Corporation. Photo from open sources Scientists have studied the nutrition of young musk turtles, which from time to time in search of food go to land. They noticed that, finding food, turtles dragged it back into the water and only there they tried to swallow. Scientists have found the reason such unusual behavior: weak and small musky tongue turtles are covered with special papillae that she uses, to get oxygen directly from the water. According to the authors of the article, such a respiratory organ could be obtained by reptiles from their distant ancestors. Photo from open sources “We found papillae in the tongue and in the oral cavity and were amazed. I really think we have a lot more to open, “said Heiss.
Water Time