A photo open source PHOTO: depositphotos.com Women who and a day can’t live without coffee, you have to buy linen for the size is smaller, scientists warn. Women who are not even a day can live without coffee, it’s worth considering, as this drink affects breast size. This conclusion was reached by Swedish scientists from Lund University. Experts conducted an experiment during which nearly 300 women drank coffee daily, and researchers took measurements of their breasts. As a result, it was found that the more women drink coffee, the smaller the size of their bust becomes. how scientists noted, to those representatives of the beautiful half, who drink three or more cups of this drink a day buy yourself underwear a size smaller, because, on average, they lost 17% of breast volume. Also, as MixNews reports, experts noted that women lost the most in size with a lush bust. Earlier it became known that coffee affects the level of male hormones – androgens – in the body of a woman. They, in their turn, provoke breast cancer. Scientists from the University of Colorado found that many breast tumors on the surface there are androgen receptors. According to study author Jennifer Reacher, this discovery suggests that to fight cancer breast can be used hormone therapy. As the BBC notes, a similar method is already being used to treat prostate cancer.
Marina Ilyina