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Despite the fact that many are sure that on Earth, as it was sung once in one Soviet song, there were no white spots, in fact In fact, our planet, as it was, remains full of mysteries and miracles. And the past 2015 did not become something special in terms of “approximation to the truth. “Here are just a few of the many secrets that scientists cannot explain in any way.
Mysterious sounds scare and attract
The depths of the ocean constantly make mysterious sounds (in clear ranges) that are difficult to confuse with volcanic eruptions or published underwater animals. The most powerful is considered a similar phenomenon called “Bloop”. However there are others “finds” of this kind, called at different times “Julia”, Quaker, Whistler, and so on. These sounds, like many other fantastic phenomena, say, mermaids, sea snakes, show that mankind does not know what is going on in the depths the ocean. And the knowledge of this mysterious world hidden by the thickness of water, moving so far too slowly.
A photo from open sources
Whale songs are getting sadder
This is confirmed by such a mysterious oceanic a phenomenon like a change in the “voice” of whales. Analysis of blue song recordings over the past forty years, whales show that they sing from year to year at ever lower frequencies. That is the songs of these marine giants are getting sadder. And what is the reason – no one knows.
A photo from open sources
Fire balls riddles Nag
This is another natural phenomenon that remains unsolved. a secret. Every year in October on the Mekong River (Thailand) near of the city of Von Fizey, fireballs “emerge” from the water. They fly out at a speed of up to one hundred kilometers per hour, at an altitude of about fifteen meters light up in full force, rise about a hundred meters and go out. Called Naga fireballs, these mysterious “ball lightning” cause surprise and admiration for tourists, but scientists from this are completely at a loss.
A photo from open sources
Who and why warns us
Sometimes before strong earthquakes in the sky appears here such (the photo below was taken half an hour before the Sichuan tragedy in China) glow in the form of a rainbow cloud. He was watched not only in China, also in Chile, Peru and many other countries shortly as land in these areas began to shake.
A photo from open sources
But before the meteor showers, sometimes it falls to the ground star jelly, as the English call it (Star Jelly), or stellar snot, as the Germans call this phenomenon (Sternrotz). This transparent, foul-smelling mass quickly disintegrates. Scientists tested it for the presence of DNA and did not find it there. More while they they can’t say anything about this phenomenon.
A photo from open sources
Water DNA China Peru