Jeffrey Sidder carefully thought out a robbery plan. He guessed New Year’s business and dressed up as Santa Claus: under the fur coat it was possible hide weapons, under the beard and wig – face, and in a big bag take out the loot.
Entering the bank, Jeffrey pulled out a submachine gun from under the floor, patted himself in his pockets and rushed to the run. Jumping out the street, he tried hide in an old Ford, but got stuck in traffic and was captured by the police.
What was the reason for such a hasty escape? It turns out dumb from birth, Sidder, preparing for a robbery, recorded on tape recorder with a detective tv replica tv raider robbery! Lie down on the floor and don’t move! All cash – to me bag! “And I forgot to take the cassette with me: they found it like evidence woe-gangster at home during a search. Such a cruel joke played with him distraction.
All of us are more or less scattered. In adults, distraction manifested as a result of overwork or exhaustion of the nervous system. However, there is another kind of distraction arising, when a person is too focused on one thing and therefore not notices nothing around. Such distraction is characteristic of people. enthusiastic, with the head gone into their field: scientists, writers, artists.
For example, they say that Mendeleev, entering the tram, often removed galoshes. And only thanks to the guardianship of students galoshes again returned to the owner.
Known in the last century, a scientist in the field of chemistry and physics, Professor Ivan Alekseevich Kablukov served Marshak as a prototype “a man scattered from Basseinaya Street.” Scientist often betrayed such pearls as “chemist” and “physics”, signed Kabluk Ivanov, and Mendeleev and Menshutkin, confused, called Mendelshutkin.
The French physicist Andre Ampère was also famous for his oddities. Once, having dined with a friend, he was dissatisfied with the quality of the dishes and declared the cook that she was fired, because he was sure that he was at home at home.
Composer Alexander Borodin, on the contrary, forgot what is in in his own house: putting on a coat, he began to say goodbye to those who were sitting up at him as guests, saying that he should go home.
A photo from open sources
The French writer La Fontaine once came to visit a friend, at the funeral of which he spoke a month ago. To amazement relatives of the deceased, he realized: “Ah, yes – I remember my performance literally. You know, I have a great memory. ”
Absent-mindedness is not unique to geniuses and talents: they sin and ordinary people. As a result of a survey of two thousand taxi drivers in 11 the largest cities in the world, it turned out that the most scattered – Londoners: for only six months they forgot in the back seats of a car 54.9 thousand mobile phones, 4, 8 thousand PDAs and 3.2 thousand laptops. They are followed by the inhabitants of Bombay, Sydney, Washington and Berlin.
But, one thing is when a person suffers from his own absent-mindedness, and another – from the absent-mindedness of the one who serves it. Here again, the residents of Misty Albion distinguished themselves: according Research, British Airways topped the list of airlines, more often total passengers losing luggage.
For every thousand pieces of luggage carried, 23 units disappear, and only 85% of them are within 48 hours. But it happens that not are at all. In second place is the German Lufthansa, in third French Air France, on the fourth Italian Alitalia ..
In general, it seems that in terms of distraction Great Britain is ahead of the rest. So, another study, regarding energy consumption, found that due to distraction employees forgetting to turn off their computers at night, English enterprises lose annually up to two hundred million dollars.
True, sometimes pleasant surprises also happen. So, the 57-year-old Cornwall resident Derek Ladner bought one by one out of distraction two tickets with the same denomination for the same draw Camelot national lottery and each won more than 479 thousand pounds. Moreover, the Briton remembered the second ticket only through a week after I received a win on the first.
If your absent-mindedness gives you nothing but inconvenience, do not worry – many ways have been invented for it overcoming. The easiest and most reliable way to remember where you put the right thing – to keep your eyes on her for 10 seconds. For this time the brain will fix the connection between the place and the subject. When of which, it will be enough just to imagine the necessary subject, and you immediately remember where it lies.
A photo from open sources
For those whom this does not help, a special device has been created, working as follows: to the things that you usually lose, miniature electronic bugs are attached. It remains only turn on the device and indicate what to look for. He will find out if it is within a radius of 15 meters.
Medicine also does not stand still. Institute Specialists clinical and experimental lymphology of the Siberian branch RAMS improved the activation method used abroad blood cells, lymphocytes, in patients with multiple sclerosis. IN this is currently one of the most effective ways to combat forgetfulness.
If he doesn’t work, don’t despair anyway: in the end you can just forget about forgetfulness. Remember only Hemingway’s statement that happiness is good health in combined with poor memory. So, being scattered is not so badly!
Irina Zharnova