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Recently, we introduced users of our resource to one of many mysterious pages from the history of St. Petersburg, namely – prophecies that were associated with the construction of St. Isaac Cathedral, filled with mystical accuracy. let’s continue acquaintance with these historical secrets of the Northern capital Of Russia.
By the way, the construction of Isaac was led by the architect of the French origin of Auguste Monferand, maybe that’s why some readers even a doubt arose, but did he build this temple in St. Petersburg?
For example, the author of one of the comments on that article proves that Montpheran only restored St. Isaac’s Cathedral (restored half a century?), although it does not cite any evidence to its approval. Nevertheless, indirectly this can be believed if take into account that the same French architect supposedly put in the capital of Russia also amazing Alexandrovskaya the column. Surprising, because building such a thing is beyond the power even to modern builders and stone-cutters (the column is machined from granite-monolith, more on this below), relying on the most advanced technology. And in the first half of the XIX century it somehow managed to do. Perhaps Monferand was a wizard or an alien? ..
A photo from open sources
Mysteries of the construction of the Alexander Column
Alexander Column of St. Petersburg is among the mysterious artifacts explain the origin (appearance in our world) which from the point of view of modern science is very difficult, and therefore it fits perfectly into the statement of conspiracy theorists that “with there is something wrong with the official story:
- firstly, it is surprising that sovereign Nikolai the First entrusts this project – erection of a granite column in the Palace Square in honor of victory over Napoleon Bonaparte – the Frenchman Montferand. It’s all It is equal that Stalin would ask after the Second World War to build a similar monument in honor of the victory over fascist Germany – the German. Strange of course however who knows these Russian tsars with their quirks when they and all their entourage spoke French at that time language
- secondly, the sheer scope of the construction of this column is striking or rather – the fantastic of all, without exception, its links appearances.
To begin with, we agree that Auguste Monferand is really like that and he himself describes in two albums released in France in 1832 and 1836 (there are simply no other reliable sources), I found for the column, a piece of rock in the Pyaterlak quarry near Vyborg. From it was (unknown how) cut and polished a column with a diameter of three and a half meters (a little less at the top), almost 26 meters high and weighing 600 tons. How to pretend modern experts, “pebble” from which manually (without machine) made this masterpiece at that time stone cutters, should not weigh less than 1600 tons. For your information, the most powerful mobile crane in the world. can only slightly raise 1,200 tons.
A photo from open sources
And here – they broke 1600 tons off the cliff, moved, processed (it looks like a fantastic lathe), then a column in 600 tons again pens loaded onto the barque (what is this such a fabulous dish for that time?), which delivered The future masterpiece of Palace Square in St. Petersburg. Here her again hands unloaded and moved to the square itself (using, as writes French architect, ropes, logs and mighty power serfs of Russia). All this is clearly shown in him (supposedly him) two albums (see photo).
A photo from open sources
Move on. A foundation pit is driven into a dug on Palace Square 1250 pine six-meter piles (one to one), then poured water, and its level is evened out in level (piles cut off – also a question from the realm of miracles: how?), on it 400 tons granite monolith brought from the same development (at that time, mysterious for Russia, it turns out to process and transport such masses of granite – trifles).
A photo from open sources
It remains, as they say, to put a column. In Montferan magazines you can see a very strange building, with the help of which 2400 soldiers in two hours erected the greatest monument in history Russian state. Two years later, after some refinement a masterpiece led by the same Frenchman, September 11 (August 30 old style) 1934 on the Palace Square of St. Petersburg the grand opening ceremony of this monument took place the heroism of the Russian people.
A photo from open sources
Somewhat controversial to all this fantastic the construction seems a little watercolor artist G. Gagarin “Alexander Column in the Forests”, written in 1932-33 (see photo below), that is, just at the time when this is a masterpiece “finalized”:
- on the one hand, it is not clear why the almighty Monferan is not and put the top of a granite monolith (and she, in contrast from a solid column, really made of brick);
- on the other hand, the forests in Gagarin’s watercolors demonstrate how experts prove, not construction, but rather restoration monument, its completion (remember that Monpheran and St. Isaac the cathedral allegedly only restored, but did not build).
A photo from open sources
The historical mysteries that surround us everywhere and everywhere
Alexander Column on the Palace Square of St. Petersburg – one from many, many similar mysteries of history. We once wrote on our site about the no less mysterious Big Kolyvan vase, made in the XIX century from a single piece of jasper and stored now in Hermitage Museum. Modern stone cutters are also not able to create something like that, even in much smaller sizes. How are people centuries, and sometimes millennia ago, managed to create and build what we, with our powerful technology and modern technology can not repeat?
A photo from open sources
Whether over time, humanity loses the secrets of some just fabulous craftsmanship, and then at a loss scratches turnips, then Is not everything in the history presented by official science reliably. How to convince the research of independent historians, false it turns out to be the story. For example, the history of the same Russia (Tartaria) – it’s just some kind of fiction, invented in order to convince the world that Russians are savages, inferior people, while civilized Europe …
The question arises: how is this possible? And everything is very simple – history has always been written and copied by rulers, powerful of this world for the sake of the ruling classes, clans, “great historical tasks, “and therefore there is no more deceitful than this science, few different from fiction. You don’t have to even go far, just see how modern rulers of Ukraine rewrite the history of their country. And so it was is always…
And so there are such strange gaps when it’s not clear How were the Egyptian pyramids built? C’mon pyramids for several millennia, by whom, when and how was the Alexander Column of St. Petersburg was built – and then the great a riddle …
We also offer you to watch a small documentary, where you will find an opinion about the Alexander Pillar of the independent the historian and writer George Sidorov, who sees something in him fantastic, made much earlier, perhaps dozens millennia ago. The fact is that even today there is no technology creating such a perfect processing of granite huge columns, not to mention the beginning of the 19th century.
A photo from open sources
According to the scientist, it was simply adapted for Alexandrovsky pillar, but because Monpherand did not build this monument, namely adapted something more ancient for him, and how all this then “merged” in history into what we know with you – apparently so and will remain an eternal mystery to all future generations. If, Of course, people will not invent a time machine and do not learn travel to the past. At least in order to know the true the history of his society …
Pyramid Time Russia