A photo from open sources
On the antique appearance of the beautiful railway arch bridge (between the stations of Demodar and Ella) in the island Asian the state of Sri Lanka has been paying attention and is still paying attention many researchers. “Bridge to Heaven,” as it is also called by the reason for the location at an altitude of almost a thousand meters above the level of the sea, really quite reminiscent of ancient viaducts, which a lot has survived in Europe. Less commonly, they come across in other parts. light, and almost always in this case they are accompanied by “antique legend “of official history.
A photo from open sources
Maybe the “Bridge to Heaven” also has one? It turns out (according to scarce and only information in English Wikipedia), this is a masterpiece of the construction of viaducts of the colonial period. It was allegedly built by local builders under the leadership of P.K.Appuhi, and his designers were G.K.Marwood and D.D. Vimalasurendra. The construction of the bridge dates back to 1913-21. Moreover, all these respected designers and builders, not even having concepts of antiquity, just allegedly consulted with British engineers and … without any iron supports, using only brick and cement, built a unique arch bridge in the style of Roman masterpieces viaducts.
And why the British, whose colony at that time was Ceylon (Sri Lanka since 1972) did not allocate metal for the construction of this nine arch bridge? Yes, it’s very simple: the First World War was on, then the war with Soviet Russia, all the iron went into service, not to the bridges here, especially in the colony. Or maybe the builders of this a small island country in the indian ocean and was not needed no metal? That’s because they built without it, and indeed – a true masterpiece, indistinguishable from the ancient Roman!
A photo from open sources
Pay attention to what unique bricks were used in this case. Their surface is not flat, but convex (external facing) or concave (inner facing). And this despite the fact that manufacturing technology of such figured and, as it turned out, then Britain did not know a durable brick. We are no longer talking about eternal concrete that resembles antique, secret which scientists have not yet understood (this concrete over time only gets stronger unlike the modern one).
It is surprising that it is impossible to find a single photograph. the construction of this grand facility for Ceylon. And why “Bridge to Heaven” so terribly sooty for such a short time (such sooty, as now, it is fixed in the photo, for example, yet in the middle of the 20th century)?
A photo from open sources
Or maybe this arch bridge was not built at the beginning of XX centuries, as official history says, and not by builders Ceylon (Sri Lanka)? This artifact is very mysterious reminds the Alexandrian pillar in St. Petersburg, about which independent researchers have long formed this opinion: its just adapted, because in the XIX century they really could not. Apparently, in Sri Lanka, they adapted for the railway line already having an antique viaduct. It just remains incomprehensible to whom and why did the idea come to ascribe all this to local builders? However, why is understandable. Otherwise explain how the antique bridge appeared in this island state is simply impossible. And I had to invent and customize something again under the official history the emergence and development of modern society. It just so happened in our wonderful world …
War Time Ancient Artifacts Bridges