Mysterious artifacts that contradict modern science

Mysterious artifacts that contradict modern scienceA photo from open sources

In different years and in different parts of the world, researchers of antiquity came across individual finds that contradict modern history and science in general. Of course, no one even tried based they doubt the generally accepted postulates, and yet …

Why do Native Americans speak Japanese?

The state of new mexico the United States still resides Zuni tribe, whose history is lost somewhere at the turn of 4-5 thousand years. This tribe of Indians is speaking in their Zuni language, which, as it turned out, is close to one of the dialects of Japanese language.

A photo from open sources

And so close that the Japanese calmly understand the Zunians, and vice versa. Another mystery has opened: the Japanese have some very rare blood types that are no longer found anywhere in the world. But among the Zunians – there are such unique carriers. Perhaps diseases are rare from here, characteristic only for the Japanese, and of the Zunians too.

How to explain all this, scientists do not know …

How did the ancient Roman figurine get to Mexico City?

In 1933, in an old cemetery located in the Toluca Valley (Mexico) and owned by ancient Native American tribes, archaeologists discovered a fragment of a statue – a human head made of burnt clay.

A photo from open sources

After studying the find, scientists came to the conclusion that the figurine is made in the ancient Roman style. Or rather, even so: this is part Ancient Roman statue, executed around the IX century BC (her age was shown by radiocarbon analysis). It is noteworthy that he graveyard arose in this area of ​​Mexico much later, where did an ancient Roman figurine appeared on the American continent, and, apparently, even before the conquest of his Spanish conquistadors? ..

When did the dinosaurs die out?

The last dinosaurs are thought to have died out 65 million years. back, or even earlier. However, in May 2012 in Dawson County Montana state archaeologists unearthed a relatively young horn Triceratops. They just spent at the University of Georgia radiocarbon analysis of this find, and it turned out that the horn dinosaur is only about 30-40 thousand years old.

A photo from open sources

Scientists were shocked, because before that, the remains of dinosaurs no one not subjected to radiocarbon analysis: for millions of years it has been ineffective (such an analysis is designed for a maximum of 55 thousand years).

University of Georgia Researchers Call Their Colleagues from many countries of the world to conduct a similar analysis with other remains dinosaurs, because if their guesses are confirmed, it will turn out, that dinosaurs lived not so long ago – along with the ancient by man.

Yes, here’s the catch: scientists are in no hurry to investigate ancient dinosaurs on the subject of their age, everyone is very happy habitual views, because to revise historical science – troublesome and thankless job for venerable scientists, many of which have been written by many scientific works, based on old data. So the phrase “Plato is my friend, but truth is dearer” in modern society does not work …

Dinosaurs Ancient Artifacts Mexico Japan

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