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An international team of researchers made amazing opening. Specialists studied sculptures of various peoples antiquities and unexpectedly noticed on the set of sculptures the same a repeating detail, namely a strange symbol in the form of a small bags with a handle.
Stone idols with mysterious bags were made by residents ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Turkey, Mesoamerica and many others regions of the earth. The most interesting thing is that many of them never interacted with each other.
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The authors of the study determined that for the first time an incomprehensible bag discovered in 1996 during excavations in the temple complex Gebekli Tepe in Turkey. Archaeologists led by a professor Klaus Schmidt was found in this sanctuary, built about 12 thousand years ago, a statue carved in stone with a bag in his hand. This voluminous a stylized bag still surprised scientists, but they didn’t even suspected that similar motifs are found in sculptural creativity of various ancient peoples. Now this fact impossible to ignore.
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Experts believe that the bag may be associated with legends about Anunnaki – divine creatures from Sumerian-Akkadian mythology. However, a huge number of statues and bas-reliefs showing this bag was also found in the Phoenician, Etruscan, Assyrian and other cultures. It is noteworthy that very often a mysterious bag depicted in combination with a mythological image tree of life, found among many nations. Consensus on this the image is still not there, however it is assumed that it symbolizes the origin and interconnection of all living things on the planet. Maybe this is a clue about the real purpose of the bag?
The mysterious bag symbol crossed the ocean and left an important mark on fine art of the ancient inhabitants of South America. It can be seen on the numerous stone bas-reliefs and statues created once here. For example, in the ancient Mexican city of La Venta, which was the center of Olmec culture, recently found a stone a figure in the form of a man holding a bag with a handle in his hand. Wherein say whether the ancients themselves had similar items for Carrying items is definitely impossible. Some specialists suggest that primitive bags of this shape could used to collect berries and fruits, but in this case it is clear why they had such a cult significance for sculptors?
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Stone bags were found on Mexican warrior statues. Toltec city of Tula de Allende. Even in Indonesia were carved figures depicting these clearly symbolic and very mysterious items. There is a version that the bag is somehow connected with representatives extraterrestrial civilization descending to our planet to give a person some valuable knowledge. Or maybe even technology: it is possible that they are in the bags, zealously guarded by characters depicted on all of these stone sculptures and reliefs that have survived to our times.