Mysterious circles in the Japanese forest turned out to be the result of a half-century experiment

Mysterious circles in the Japanese forest were the result of a half-century experimentA photo from open sources

In one of the forests of Miyazaki Prefecture in the south of the Land of the Rising suns you can find a group of Japanese cedars forming two Amazing perfectly smooth circle. Rows of trees leaning out relative to the center of each circle, and by simple coincidence, Of course, it cannot be. Obviously, nature would not create such “art” more like mysterious characters, and we are definitely talking about extraneous interference. Coordinates Mysterious place: 31 ° 43’50.3 “N 131 ° 23’05.0” E

World Wide Web users have come across many times to satellite imagery depicting these cedars and put forward various theories regarding the causes of the alleged anomalies. Some spoke of aliens, others spoke of a religious miracle, the third is about an incredible natural phenomenon. In fact, the answer turned out to be much more prosaic, though also interesting. It turns out that this is an unusual and lengthy experiment the Japanese.

A photo from open sources

Almost half a century ago, employees of the Japanese Ministry agriculture, forestry and fisheries have given this place status of the so-called “experimental forestry zone”. Specialists planted young cedars at an angle of ten degrees to get two laps in total, each of which would have ten concentric rings. After many years a unique education trees became clearly visible in satellite photographs.

Interestingly, the tree trunks grew convex, curving out. In addition, the distance between the inclined cedars is slow, but steadily increasing, and scientists cannot find this rational explanation. It is reported that originally cedars planned to cut down five years after planting, but then experts and officials realized the extraordinary experiment, and it was decided to continue it until the trees die themselves from old age.

So maybe the real wonders of this amazing “experimental forestry” is just ahead, however, to observe and other generations will solve them …

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