Mysterious creature captured in the forest Dagestan

A mysterious creature captured in the forest of DagestanPhoto from open sources

A Dagestan shepherd from the Kurakhsky district was looking at the beginning of the current months at night a cow and unexpectedly stumbled into a dark forest on mysterious creature. To the satisfaction of many web users Internet, our hero managed to capture the alleged monster on a smartphone camera.

By turning on the video below, you can see shrub from which a small dark head with a wide eyes apart. When a man directs the flash at mysterious creature, he quickly hides in the foliage.

Of course, the operator was very confused and scared, because hastened to leave this place. Even though the thing looked small and harmless, the Dagestan felt that nearby could lurking a great many such creatures that can attack all in a crowd.

Be that as it may, the intriguing footage received by our compatriot, circled many sites Runet. Some netizens thought we had fake and hoax, others fully believed in the existence of such amazing creatures, as many people somehow came across in of his life with something mysterious, incomprehensible to the mind, almost mystical. Dagestan in this regard, as they say, is not the first and not last Hero”…

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