A photo from open sources
New Mexico Office of Game and Fish Protection Officials puzzle over the mysterious death of more than 100 moose. Mass death of animals occurred in rural areas New Mexico, in one day. The death of moose in itself is not unusual – there are many things that can explain the fall of large animals: predators, poachers, natural or artificial toxins, disease, drought, heat, hunger, and even lightning bolts. However, officials investigating this case cannot case to understand what really caused their death. how showed numerous examinations and analyzes – they didn’t shoot moose, so that poaching was immediately excluded from the potential list possible reasons. Also, moose did not fall prey to anthrax, bacteria which exists in the nature of the region. Testimonies heavy use of pesticides that could play a specific role in the extinction of animals was also not found. Although frequent lightning strikes are not uncommon in New Mexico, simultaneously entering more than 100 animals would be easy incredible event. The assumption of specialists that the cause served as yet unknown disease or contaminated the source of water is also not justified. However, scientists do not lose hopes that they can still determine the cause of death, at least in order to reassure the farmers and hunters of that locality. On the Today, massive animal deaths are not uncommon. Only in the last few weeks, according to world news, in cases of mass death are recorded in different ends of the Earth different animals. For example, recently on the surface of China’s rivers surfaced more than 100 tons of dead “silver” fish. Experts explain that the causes of this mass death are related to toxic emissions ammonia into the water by a local chemical plant. Also, scientists recently managed to identify the real cause of the mysterious extinction salamander in the Netherlands. It turned out that the cause of death – an easily transmitted fungus that corrodes the skin of the salamander. Mysterious cases of cattle death are also abound. For example, in last December in unusual attacks on state goats Kentucky in the US initially blamed the mystical creature Chupacabra, whose existence has not yet been proven. However, when it became clear to the investigation that the true culprits were wild animals. Therefore, although the massive death of moose in New Mexico is on today a mystery, scientists continue to investigate this case and hope to find the answers very soon.
Translation by Sergey Vasilenkov
Water Mexico Fish