Mysterious Doubles

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The ghostly doubles of man are a truly amazing phenomenon, especially since they arise both spontaneously and intentionally, according to someone’s will …

Doubles of friends and relatives

Many famous people met in their lives ghostly doubles. The writer Mark Twain, for example, has such a meeting happened when he was traveling around Canada. In Montreal in honor of A famous writer organized a magnificent reception. During this events Twain noticed his longtime acquaintance – Mrs. R., which I have not seen for about twenty years. In this case, a woman behaved somewhat strange. She stood pretty close to the writer in the group other invitees and threw with them insignificant in short sentences. This lady did not come to Twain, did not even bother nod welcome.

Where a greater surprise awaited the writer in the evening, when he was preparing to the performance. Twain was informed that some lady wants to see him, – and the same Mrs. R. Writer literally flew into the room surprised that she was dressed the same as in the afternoon. What next it turned out that the woman was absent not only at the reception, but even in the city itself. However, subsequently wrote Mark Twain, I her I saw it there, and it was unmistakable and perfectly clear.

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Chamberlain of the Swedish king Baron Sulz had a chance to meet with the ghost of his father, whom he mistook for a living parent. Phantom stood near the park gate, dressed in his usual suit, and held in the hands of a stick. Sulz greeted him, and both, calmly talking, headed home. Entering his father’s room, however, the baron saw his real dad – sleeping soundly on the bed. Ghost here he disappeared, and his father woke up a few minutes later and with bewilderment looked at his son …

Irish poet, Nobel laureate 1923 Literature William Butler Yeats once found out the news that was necessary as possible quickly inform his friend in another city. In that the moment when Yates pondered the situation intensely, mate I saw him in the lobby of the hotel where he lived. Reporting important news, Yates referred to employment and left.

Own doubles

When George Byron fell ill with a fever in Greece and fell ill, his ghostly double appeared several times in London the streets. In particular, this was reported in the letter of the Secretary of State Peel, who vowed that he had met Byron twice on the street. There is evidence that Byron himself has repeatedly seen his double.

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Russian poet Pyotr Andreyevich Vyazemsky also met own double. Once he returned at night to his St. Petersburg apartment. Near Anichkov Vyazemsky bridge with surprise saw that a bright light was burning in the windows of his office. Entering your room Pyotr Andreyevich found the cabinet locked, as, in fact, supposed to. Opening the door, he went inside: in the back of the room with his back a man was sitting and writing to him. The poet approached uninvited guest and over his shoulder read the written, after which cried out loudly and, clutching his chest, lost his senses. Later Vyazemsky testified that he saw himself then, and that as for the written, it would be better not to read it …

Doubles at will

There are people who can create ghostly doubles in their own way. the will, and sometimes several at once. In 1950 french traveler Pierre Dominique Gesault had a chance to spend the night at Guinean sorcerer Wuan. Since he was lying directly opposite the owner then saw him well. Suddenly in the middle of the night it creaked an open door, and on the threshold appeared the sorcerer himself – with the uncovered head, dressed in a short hoodie and short pants. At the same time, Gaso saw in the dim light of a night lamp that on the mat, the real Wuan is sleeping. Shocked traveler did not dare move, and another Vuan walked around the room and … slowly lay down in himself. The next morning, left alone with the sorcerer, Gaso asked if he went out somewhere last night. Went out with Wuan answered with a slight ironic smile.

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Some of the Siberian shamans are also famous for their ability create your own doubles. For example, the story of as before the revolution, the Russian authorities tried to arrest the famous the shaman of Yakutia – Kychakan, however, as it turned out, it was not so easy. When the sorcerer was finally captured and started to flog, another Kychakan came from somewhere, who advised the inquisitors: slash it tighter. When they seized that, history repeated itself. This continued several times, as a result of the shaman never managed to catch and punish.

Something already utterly transcendental did the Italian Jean Joseph Pinetti is a professor of magic who lived in the 18th century and traveled all of Europe. The most famous Petersburg epic Pinetti. I stop by the celebrity was then invited by Emperor Paul the First. The difficulty was that, according to the condition of Paul himself, the guard was forbidden to let anyone into the palace. Not confining himself to this, the emperor ordered to lock all the palace entrances and give the keys to him personally. Soon, Paul received a report that the Italian magician never left home. However barely the emperor read about this as Pinetti entered his office. Paul did not hide that he considers the professor a dangerous person, and invited him to leave the Russian capital.

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Pinetti agreed and said he would do it tomorrow at noon, and will pass through all fifteen Petersburg outposts. The news spread instantly – and next day near Outposts gathered crowds of curious. At noon they all got the opportunity to see Pinetti and the carriage taking him away. Moreover, the police department provided the emperor with a report saying that the departure of the magician, as well as his passport, was registered at all fifteen outposts of St. Petersburg. One must think that, having received such news, Paul the First was convinced of the correctness of what he accepted solutions.

Doubles Shamans

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