A photo from open sources
A year ago, in the Indian village of Badi in the center of the state Arunachal Pradesh was home to two thousand five hundred and forty-three people. Today, the number of local residents is already two thousand one hundred ninety one.
Almost no one left the village – in the last twelve months three hundred and fifty people died here, and as a result suicides. Journalists have already called this disaster an epidemic, and no one cannot say why Indians lay hands on themselves.
The youngest suicide was the eleven-year-old boy, the most old – an eighty-five-year-old pensioner.
What does an Indian village look like?
Three hundred and thirteen local families lost at least one person as a result of suicide. Unfortunately, the village is too poor, and ordinary peasants have no way to cross live in another locality. In addition, according to the head of the village Rajendra Sisodia, few people are really scared. Most Badi residents claim that they and their family are not intend to go to the other world, but not a month passes, so that someone does not lay hands on themselves. Moreover, most often it are physically and mentally healthy people.
A photo from open sources
Psychologists came to the village. Doctors have taken fifty random residents and interviewed them. Only two people were the opinion of doctors who are prone to suicide, however, they also assured specialists is that, despite all the hardships of life, they in no case were you going to kill yourself. Now six of these the respondents are already dead – you can guess for yourself what reason.
Epidemic or poisoning?
The village head is sounding the alarm, but senior officials do not in a hurry to solve the problem of a provincial village.
Badi citizens suggest that some may be to blame demonic forces that make people fall into despair and seek such a terrible way out of longing. In the village, by the way, there is a folk healer. At the request of fellow countrymen, he fell into a trance and tried to ask the indian gods what is the reason for this misfortunes, however, the higher powers, according to the wizard, refused him answer. After that, the medicine man concluded that the village, probably damned.
Anomalous place interested journalist Bruce Sumner from U.S.A. American visited Badi in March of this year and stayed there for almost three weeks. During this time, the reporter managed put forward just one hypothesis. It turned out that the village used rare pesticide banned in all civilized countries due to with its potential danger to humans. Sumner suggests that this chemical may somehow affect human behavior.
Now the journalist is trying to ensure that Indian scientists conducted a thorough analysis of the chemical and if the American guess confirmed even in the slightest degree, called on the authorities to ban the use of this pesticide. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of Indian Badi villages continue to voluntarily lay hands on themselves …
Epidemic Time