Photos from open sources of
In early April 1971, many residents of the port city of Mobile in the southwest of the US state of Alabama witnessed the appearance of a mysterious cryptid. The townspeople claimed that the front part of the amazing creature looked like a woman, and the back looked like wolf. The monster allegedly moved on all fours, i.e. simultaneously on wolf legs and human hands.
According to some eyewitnesses, the woman was quite pretty and even beautiful, despite the fact that the front of her body was, like the back, covered with wool. Local police then received over 50 calls from citizens who stumbled upon it is a creation in the dark. The wolf woman wandered into strangers plots, ran along roads, and also chased people and cars. Fortunately, she didn’t harm anyone, as if just having fun.
A photo from open sources
The problem was complicated by the fact that the first message about the appearance the monster arrived to law enforcement officers on April 1, and law enforcement officers reasonably considered him an April Fools’ joke. Nonetheless, the townspeople continued to call the police for another ten days, and then law enforcement officers were forced to spend investigation. However, cryptid soon disappeared and is no longer here. never been announced, and the story of the wolf woman quickly turned into urban legend.
Some believe that it was a werewolf, although not quite classical. According to others, this is a skin walker, or Changeling. In the myths of the North American Indians, so-called evil witches and sorcerers who can temporarily turn into animals with the goal of terrifying others. If you believe the third, we are talking about coming from a parallel dimension, briefly caught up in our world, then returning back to his. Fourth suppose it was a feral woman raised by wolves.
A photo from open sources
Over the past years, all this seems to be nothing more than fiction. Perhaps this is how it often happens in the world, but in this case in archives of the city of Mobile preserved documents confirming real police contacting a female wolf, and these notes, as well as police reports on the investigation of this mysterious incidents testify to the reality of those events. True, the mystery remains a mystery. But aren’t these miracles that we simply cannot understand with the help of logic and science, few in our life? This is just one of them, confirming that we live far away not in the reality that we got an idea from years…
Cryptida Time