Mysterious footprint in the snow scared rural Kuzbass residents

A mysterious footprint in the snow frightened the rural residents of KuzbassA photo from open sources

In the private sector of the city of Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Kemerovo region, a mysterious trail of giant millipedes.

According to the portal of similar incidents and riddles of, this a unique photo was sent to them by their regular user, who in in turn received it from his worried parents, on in whose garden these terrible traces appeared. Why terrible? because that the villagers were very scared by this, because neither they nor their neighbors had never seen anything like this in their life. Here is how The author of the letter comments on this mysterious phenomenon:

Everything unknown is scary, and the traces are actually strange, as if a giant multi-legged creature ran through the snow. Parents could not trace where she ran, because the track gets lost far in the garden where it’s not so easy to get to – in the snow drowning, besides – scary: what if it is a mysterious animal lurking there and waiting for his victim?

A photo from open sources

The fears of the parents of the author of the letter are not unfounded if remember that in the world centipedes are poisonous predators, capable of killing a victim several times larger than the hunter himself. And let such terrible millipedes in the Kuzbass do not seem to be found in everything happens in this life: where do, for example, chupacabras and other mystical animals? Moreover, this centipede is just gigantic sizes (far from the Hawaiian poisonous creature), clearly appeared from somewhere …

A photo from open sources

However, users of the portal tried to reassure Kuzbass residents. Such mysterious traces, writes one of naturalists, can leave a large bird, which, apparently, dragged the prey is too heavy in the snow, helping itself with wings. Not it is possible that it could be just a hoax, although the author of the letter immediately made a reservation that his parents are not one of those whom they love teens play, and who else is capable of such a cruel stupidity? ..

Life Portals Snow

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