Mysterious humanoid figure in the sky scared the inhabitants of Zambia

The mysterious humanoid figure in the sky frightened the inhabitants of ZambiaA photo from open sources

In heaven, no, no, yes strange visions appear, something like ghosts from the other world or from some parallel world. And it’s good when they are in the form of angels or, as is often the case, in image of the Blessed Virgin. It happens much worse how it happened in Zambia.

A photo from open sources

Here the other day in the city of Kitwe, right above the Mukuba shopping center Mall in the sky appeared a huge humanoid figure, which as would hover over the square, fixing his creepy face on people. Ghost looked like a dementor from the famous Harry Potter movie. The sinister figure in the sky a hundred meters long naturally scared residents of Zambia, many began to pray in horror, while others simply fled in fear.

A photo from open sources

Although skeptics and people with a scientific eye considered that this is all only a cloud, albeit a peculiar form. So, one of the experts in the meteorological field of Kitwe explained that the “dementor” is actually It’s nothing like a unique cloud formation, but because you should not be afraid and even more so pray for him.

However, a “sinister figure” in the sky that hung over the city from about half an hour, without changing their shape, despite windy weather, puzzled many. Moreover, she disappeared unnaturally, that is, this “cloud” just melted in the sky, but not blown away by the wind. And this also leads to certain thoughts that have nothing to do with meteorology …

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