Mysterious Lady Mali: either an ancient statue, then is an amazing optical illusion

Mysterious Lady Mali: either an ancient statue, or an amazing optical illusionA photo from open sources

In 2001, Italian geologist Angelo Pitoni studied diamond mining in the Guinean region of Sierra Leone, in seven kilometers from the city of Mali when he made an unexpected find. is he discovered a 140-meter cliff, on top of which flaunted the huge stone head of a woman with a crown or something like her. The researcher found this discovery unusual, especially when climbed a granite rock and determined that the age of the statue is 12 thousand years old.

Obviously, the primitive African the tribes simply could not carve out such a grandiose in the rock profile. It would be extremely difficult to do even nowadays, using the most advanced equipment. The scientist was even more surprised when I talked with the residents of the nearby village of Dongol-Luura, where at a certain angle the alleged statue is visible, and found that Aborigines have known about the female head from time immemorial, having a very curious legend about this.

A photo from open sources

According to this myth, the gods once decided to bless it place and sprinkled from heaven the stars that fell underground and turned into diamonds. However, as a payment for his generosity celestials took the daughter of a local ruler and turned her into the rock so that the statue guards innumerable underground treasures. They say that only people with clean diamonds can take diamonds from here. heart, otherwise the stone princess will certainly them curse and punish.

A photo from open sources

Angelo Pitoni named his find Lady Mali and concluded that 12 thousand years ago, a developed civilization lived here, comparable to Ancient Egyptian. Otherwise how to explain the giant woman, hollowed out on top of a cliff? Unfortunately, many other scientists They were extremely skeptical about the theory of the Italian geologist. According to them, this is just a para-idol illusion, and the “head”, they say, is the result of centuries of stone erosion due to wind and water.


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