Mysterious mansions of the capital opened the doors for visitors

Mysterious mansions of the capital opened the doors for visitorsA photo from open sources

In the embassies of Australia and Italy, which are unique buildings of the capital, you can visit twice a year – on the Days of Cultural or the historical heritage of Moscow. Just the other day Muscovites and guests capitals had such a rare opportunity to visit almost abroad without a visa and passport.

But this is not the most interesting thing on such an excursion, but the buildings themselves, who occupy these embassies. For example, Italians “settled” in the small palace of the gold miner Berg, which is located in Money Lane, a building that is considered a unique creation architect Boytsova. It was in it that the famous scandalous occurred ball, first organized in the light of electricity, and in 1918 in the red living room here was shot dead by the Left Social Revolutionaries by political motives German ambassador von Mirbach. They say that to this day the ghost of the ambassador roams the rooms of the palace and scares resident in it the diplomatic corps of Italians who told tourists about this spicy moment in life embassies.

A photo from open sources

In the Berg mansion, Trotsky once established his office, here Lenin often came, and even Nikita Khrushchev was in this building in order to agitate the Italian Prime Minister to join the ranks Communist Party – another utopian idea of ​​the charismatic Soviet leader.

The residence of the Australian diplomatic corps is located in the Derozhinsky mansion, furnished in a unique design performed by the talented Russian artist Borisov-Musatov. True, Ms. Derozhinskaya herself was not able to realize her ideas, because I did not agree with the master about the price. therefore the magnificent panel of the famous artist appeared later, in building restoration time. In this room in due time sat Klara Zetkin – the ancestor of the woman beloved by all of us the holiday of March 8. There are no ghosts in the mansion, although there are many other highlights, say, interesting historical facts and events, associated with this building whose history is Australian diplomats not only carefully stored, but also happy to devote to it rare Russian visitors.

Australia Time Artists

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