Mysterious octopuses can use weapons

Mysterious octopuses know how to use weaponsPhoto from open sources

Octopuses again surprise and even alarm scientists, because once again prove their amazing intellect and confirm its mysterious, possibly alien origin.

For example, one of the largest cephalopods of this species – Haliphron atlanticus (seven-armed octopus), not only possesses a complex genome that has nothing to do with the genes of other living creatures of the Earth, which is why researchers made an assumption about it extraterrestrial origin (for example, this is a “pet” aliens, like the same yeti), but also different astounding intelligence, commensurate with the human.

For example, observing the behavior of seven-armed “monsters” (actually the octopus has eight tentacles, however one of them is constantly hidden in a special bag, as it is used for fertilization), Scientists at the California Aquarium Research Center Monterey Bay (MBARI) was surprised to find that the octopus uses for protection and for hunting poisonous jellyfish.

Eating these iron-like, octopuses tear jellyfish to pieces, however, those parts of them that contain striking poisonous cells, leave and save for a certain time, using them later in as a weapon. How do octopuses determine poison, its strength? impact on their victims and enemies is not clear at all, however if to trace their behavior, you can fully verify in this one.

In addition, octopuses, as researchers have shown, are endowed with well developed intuition. And although this quality is not inherent in one cephalopod on Earth, a man who has almost lost the sixth feeling in his “man-made prison”, is surprised to see him now with octopuses. Observes and marvels as octopuses surpass man in many respects, not yielding, it would seem, in others …

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